Category Archives: Trees

Recount of Visit to Skinflats Woods Day 2

On Thursday we went to Skinflats Woods to learn why trees are important. We took a different route because we are going on our bikes soon.
When we got there we got in to groups. We got a sheet of paper called “What do Plants Need?” We read about photosynthesis. We learned that plants need water and sunlight and carbon dioxide to grow. A tree makes chlorophyll which is a green chemical. It also makes sugar that gives the trees energy.
Trees produce oxygen that humans need to live. We Breath out carbon dioxide that the trees breath in. Without trees humans would die.
We walked back to school just in time for the bell. I was tired but had a lot of fun learning about trees.

Recount of Visit to Skinflats Woods Day 2 Lauren

Yesterday the whole school went to the woods and the new p1s came too. I think the new p1s had fun. We went to the woods to learn about what a tree needs. When we went the other day we went a different route so on day two we went a different route because we might be taking our own bikes to the woods.
When we got there we were given a piece of paper and we went to learn about the process of photosynthesis so we got a sheet of paper to read.

Photosynthesis is how a plant gets its food so then they need sunlight, water and carbon dioxide. The leaves give the tree energy by making sugar.
The tree make oxygen but the tree does not need it but the human does need oxygen. We don’t need carbon dioxide. We should be good to the trees.
So after we read the sheet of paper Mrs.Lennie ask a question. She would give three answers and then we would run to the right letter. Next the primary one to fours started heading back to the school and then we started heading back then we caught up with the primary one-four class. Then we all headed back to school and then the bell rang.

Recount to Visit to Skinflats Woods Day 2

On Thursday the whole school went to Skinflats Woods. We tried a different route to get some conkers. The route was longer but it was a cycle path. On the route last week we had to walk single file.
When we arrived at our woods we took our jackets off. Mrs Lennie gave us a sheet of paper then my group found a place to sit and we read a paragraph each. The paragraphs were about “What Do Plants Eat?”.
After that we went to sit down and we started to talk about trees and what they need. Plants need sun, water and carbon dioxide. The leaves have chemicals called chlorophyll that changes the sun, water and carbon dioxide into energy.
The trees give us oxygen and we give them carbon dioxide. So we depend on each other to live.
We all gathered back at the base and did a quiz about what we had learned. Mrs. Lennie read a question out to us and we had to run to the right answer tied to a tree.

By Katie

Recount of Visit to Skinflats Woods Day-2

On Thursday afternoon the whole school including the new primary ones went back to Skinflats woods and we went a different route this time. We went a different route because we wanted to try how long it will take and to look for the horse chestnut tree.

When we arrived at the woods we got handed a passage called “What do Plants Need?” then we had to find a little den. James, Rhianne, me and Skye read our passage sheet. My group took turns each. We had to listen really carefully because we had to get asked questions at the end and to go back to the base. We learned about the process of photosynthesis. The trees need sunlight, water and carbon dioxide. The tree needs these ingredients also the leaves of the trees that are called chlorophyll. The tree makes its own sugar also it needs energy to make it grow. The chlorophyll does all the work to make the energy to keep the tree alive. The trees give out oxygen to us and we give out carbon dioxide to the trees.

The trees make oxygen for us and we give them carbon dioxide. Without trees we will die because there’s no oxygen.

When we got back to base we got a partner and there were ABC signs on  trees. I got the questions all right and none wrong. The little class went away back to school then we sat on the log again.

 My class started to go back as well. I had a stitch on the way back and we met up with the little class and we got in school in time.

Recount of Visit to Skinflats Wood Day 4

The whole school went to Skinflats Woods. We took the same route as the last time. We stopped at the horse chestnut tree and we still have no conkers!
All of us went behind the horse chestnut tree and sat underneath the sycamore tree.
We read “The Life Cycle of the Maple Tree”. We found samaras which are helicopter seeds. We learned that a maple tree has both male and female flowers.
We learned about different trees and plants. Plants have differently shaped seeds. The seeds can be spread by in different ways.
We found a maggot in two rosehips but we didn’t squish them. We put it back. The whole school went searching for different types of seeds. We found conkers from the horse chestnut tree. They drop.
Helicopters from the sycamore tree, drops by the wind they are seeds with parachute. They also drop by wind. Also we found that there are seeds in blackberries
The seeds get eating by birds. Rosehips also get eaten by birds. Seeds in blaeberries get eaten by birds too. Mrs Lennie didn’t have a clue about them until now. We found cones of the Scots pine. They drop by wind.
Finally we got to the woods. We used a tree ID guide to identify the Scots pine tree then we hunted for seeds that had fallen from a pine cone. (We found a leaf skeleton)
On the way back Mrs Granville took the wee ones so we could get up to speed. We ran for ten seconds five times but I only ran twice because I had a stitch.

By Callum


Last Friday the whole school went to Skinflats Woods. We were learning about the plants. We learned how plants reproduce. We stopped at the horse chestnut tree and still there were no conkers. We went to sit under the horse chestnut tree.
Mrs. Lennie sat down and read a book about sycamore trees and some other trees too. We learned different trees/plants have differently- shaped seeds. The seeds can be spread in different ways.
We went searching for different seeds. We found just one helicopter from the sycamore tree.
We got some conkers from the horse chestnut tree. On the weekend, Lauren found some parachutes from the park and yesterday I found a conker that hadn’t been opened.
The seeds from blackberries, rosehips and blaeberries can be pooed out by birds. When we were looking in a rose hip we saw two maggots inside it. The Scots pines will drop their pine cones on the ground. Their seeds are inside the cones. When I was in the woods we used a leaf I.D. guide to identity the pine tree –it was a Scots Pine. We hunted for seeds in fallen pine cones and we found a leaf skeleton but we left it to rot.

By Katie

Recount of Visit to Skinflats Wood Day 4

The whole school went to Skinflats Woods. We took the same route as the last time. We stopped at the horse chestnut tree and we still have no conkers!
All of us went behind the horse chestnut tree and sat underneath the sycamore tree.
We read “The Life Cycle of the Maple Tree”. We found samaras which are helicopter seeds. We learned that a maple tree has both male and female flowers.
We learned about different trees and plants. Plants have differently shaped seeds. The seeds can be spread by in different ways.
We found a maggot in two rosehips but we didn’t squish them. We put it back. The whole school went searching for different types of seeds. We found conkers from the horse chestnut tree. They drop.
Helicopters from the sycamore tree, drops by the wind they are seeds with parachute. They also drop by wind. Also we found that there are seeds in blackberries
The seeds get eating by birds. Rosehips also get eaten by birds. Seeds in blaeberries get eaten by birds too. Mrs Lennie didn’t have a clue about them until now. We found cones of the Scots pine. They drop by wind.
Finally we got to the woods. We used a tree ID guide to identify the Scots pine tree then we hunted for seeds that had fallen from a pine cone. (We found a leaf skeleton)
On the way back Mrs Granville took the wee ones so we could get up to speed. We ran for ten seconds five times but I only ran twice because I had a stitch.

By Callum Flynn


My school and I were visiting the woods but this time we took the cycle path. We took the cycle path because we didn’t want to go in single file down the path. We were going to the chestnut tree. When we got there we couldn’t get the conkers because we couldn’t reach them.

When we arrived at the woods Mrs. Lennie told us to get in groups. I was with Bruce, William and Blair. We were given a nice piece of paper and we were to find a hideout. We were learning about photosynthesis. Eventually we found our hideout so then we started to read the bit of paper “What do plants need?” Photosynthesis is where a tree needs sunlight, water and carbon dioxide to make its own food. Chlorophyll is a green chemical that makes the leaves green with energy running through it. Human beings need oxygen but we don’t need carbon dioxide. We need oxygen but trees don’t need oxygen and we don’t need carbon dioxide but trees do. Humans and trees make a good partnership to keep each other alive.

Then once we had learned about everything all the groups needed to meet up so then we started a quiz. There were A,B,C signs on the trees so Mrs. Lennie shouted out an answer and we would either go to A,B,or C. Me, Bruce, William and Blair got about one wrong at the end. Meanwhile at the end when we were walking back not all of us we caught up with the wee ones. They left fifteen minutes before us. After a while we were back at school. We made it back in time and luckily the parents didn’t go mad!

By Andrew

Recount of Visit to Skinflats Woods-Day 1

On Thursday I went to the woods with my school to learn all about trees and shrubs.
When we got there we found some trees which were broken so we made it the base camp. When Mrs. Lennie gave three short blasts of her whistle, it meant everyone had to return back to base. Mrs. Sneddon had the inhalers in a bag and if needed Mrs. Lennie would give one long blast of her whistle.
We sat on the logs and talked about trees and shrubs and what we already knew about them. We learned about what makes a tree a tree. A tree needs a single trunk that needs to be 30cm fat. Branches will come out at least 30cm from the ground. There are two types of trees, one with leaves and then needly trees. The ones with leaves are called deciduous and the needly ones are coniferous. Our woods mostly have coniferous.
Then we went to get six different leaves in the woods. We found sycamore leaves. It took us thirty five minutes to get back to school. My favourite part was Mrs. Lennie talking to the tree.

Visit to Skinflats Wood 4

Last Friday we were at the woods to learn about different kinds of seeds.

We stopped at the horse chestnut tree and there were no conkers.

We sat down under the sycamore tree and read a book called ”The Life Cycle of the Maple Tree”. The seeds of a maple tree are just like a helicopter of a sycamore tree so then we went and looked for different kinds of seeds.

We found all different kinds of seeds like blackberry seeds, rosehip seeds and blaeberries. We learned that birds eat the seeds in the fruit from the plant and it poos out the seeds.  When we got in to the woods we used an I.D guide to identify the pine tree.  Our pine trees have green cones and short pine needles on it.

Then we went back to school. My mummy picked me up then Mrs Granville picked the primary 1s and 2 up in her car then the rest were walking fast I think.