Tag Archives: Katie


Last Friday the whole school went to Skinflats Woods. We were learning about the plants. We learned how plants reproduce. We stopped at the horse chestnut tree and still there were no conkers. We went to sit under the horse chestnut tree.
Mrs. Lennie sat down and read a book about sycamore trees and some other trees too. We learned different trees/plants have differently- shaped seeds. The seeds can be spread in different ways.
We went searching for different seeds. We found just one helicopter from the sycamore tree.
We got some conkers from the horse chestnut tree. At the weekend, Lauren found some parachutes from the park and yesterday I found a conker that hadn’t been opened.
The seeds from blackberries, rosehips and blaeberries can be pooed out by birds. When we were looking in a rose hip we saw two maggots inside it. The Scots pines will drop their pine cones on the ground. Their seeds are inside the cones. When I was in the woods we used a leaf I.D. guide to identity the pine tree –it was a Scots Pine. We hunted for seeds in fallen pine cones and we found a leaf skeleton but we left it to rot.

By Katie

Recount to Visit to Skinflats Woods Day 2

On Thursday the whole school went to Skinflats Woods. We tried a different route to get some conkers. The route was longer but it was a cycle path. On the route last week we had to walk single file.
When we arrived at our woods we took our jackets off. Mrs Lennie gave us a sheet of paper then my group found a place to sit and we read a paragraph each. The paragraphs were about “What Do Plants Eat?”.
After that we went to sit down and we started to talk about trees and what they need. Plants need sun, water and carbon dioxide. The leaves have chemicals called chlorophyll that changes the sun, water and carbon dioxide into energy.
The trees give us oxygen and we give them carbon dioxide. So we depend on each other to live.
We all gathered back at the base and did a quiz about what we had learned. Mrs. Lennie read a question out to us and we had to run to the right answer tied to a tree.

By Katie


Last Friday the whole school went to Skinflats Woods. We were learning about the plants. We learned how plants reproduce. We stopped at the horse chestnut tree and still there were no conkers. We went to sit under the horse chestnut tree.
Mrs. Lennie sat down and read a book about sycamore trees and some other trees too. We learned different trees/plants have differently- shaped seeds. The seeds can be spread in different ways.
We went searching for different seeds. We found just one helicopter from the sycamore tree.
We got some conkers from the horse chestnut tree. On the weekend, Lauren found some parachutes from the park and yesterday I found a conker that hadn’t been opened.
The seeds from blackberries, rosehips and blaeberries can be pooed out by birds. When we were looking in a rose hip we saw two maggots inside it. The Scots pines will drop their pine cones on the ground. Their seeds are inside the cones. When I was in the woods we used a leaf I.D. guide to identity the pine tree –it was a Scots Pine. We hunted for seeds in fallen pine cones and we found a leaf skeleton but we left it to rot.

By Katie