Tag Archives: holly

Recount of Lily Dissection- Holly

Yesterday we had to take the main parts off the lily like the male and female parts. My partner was Macensey and we got a knife and a piece of lily. We had a bit each and we had a worksheet as well and drew the sizes of the leaf. We took off the stamen which is the male part and we took off the stigma then we all tried to open up the petals but some people’s petals fell off. Mrs Lennie told us to pull off the pistil and the stamens. After that we had to open it up and look at the pollen and it all went over our fingers and it stained yellow and when we went in the toilets Katie put the stain of pollen on the tub where we get the soap. Macensey touched it again and then it went back on her hands again.

My Scots Pine Tree

Soaring, padding, whooping
Glimpsing, up I observe
Curved branches shaped like a jaggy slingshot
Looking closely I see A
Slimy slug trailing
And a scaling gleaming woodlouse
I see a face on my tree
It is horrified and wide-eyed
A killer badger tearing through the woods on the prowl for fresh meat

Recount of Visit to Skinflats Woods Day-2

On Thursday afternoon the whole school including the new primary ones went back to Skinflats woods and we went a different route this time. We went a different route because we wanted to try how long it will take and to look for the horse chestnut tree.

When we arrived at the woods we got handed a passage called “What do Plants Need?” then we had to find a little den. James, Rhianne, me and Skye read our passage sheet. My group took turns each. We had to listen really carefully because we had to get asked questions at the end and to go back to the base. We learned about the process of photosynthesis. The trees need sunlight, water and carbon dioxide. The tree needs these ingredients also the leaves of the trees that are called chlorophyll. The tree makes its own sugar also it needs energy to make it grow. The chlorophyll does all the work to make the energy to keep the tree alive. The trees give out oxygen to us and we give out carbon dioxide to the trees.

The trees make oxygen for us and we give them carbon dioxide. Without trees we will die because there’s no oxygen.

When we got back to base we got a partner and there were ABC signs on  trees. I got the questions all right and none wrong. The little class went away back to school then we sat on the log again.

 My class started to go back as well. I had a stitch on the way back and we met up with the little class and we got in school in time.