Ghluais sinn air adhart bho na leasanan mu dheidhinn ‘loidhnichean’ an t-seachdain sa agus seall cho math ‘s a rinn clas 2 agus 3 a’ leantainn eisimpleir beag air bheag. Bha clas a h-aon a deanamh an aon seorsa ionnsachadh ach le deilbh nas simplidh.
Tha sinn a’ coimhead air adhart ri dath a chuir orra an ath sheachdain!
We moved onto the next stage of our art lessons about ‘line’ this week. The children were all learning about drawing in stages although p2 & 3 had more of a challenge as they were learning to draw Simba from the Lion King! I think you’ll agree they made a very good first attempt!
We can’t wait to add colour next week!
All the drawings look amazing 😉
These are brilliant, well done all.