Month: September 2019
Sponsored walk
An Challenger Bus
We had lots of fun learning about the story of the Good Samaritan on the Challenger bus.
We sang songs, watched some video clips and listened to the story – the children particularly enjoyed the puppets that sang at the end of the visit.
Bha sinn ag ionnsachadh mu dheidhinn cairdeas an t-seachdain sa. Bheachdaich sinn air de a th’ann an caraid math agus de mar a tha sinn a’ faireachdainn nuair a tha sinn snog ri caraid agus tha iadsan snog rinne.
Ann am buidhnean smaoinaich a’ chlann air eisimpleirean dha ‘caraid math’ agus thagh sinn an uairsin facail a bha ag innse an seorsa caraid a bhiodh sinn ag iarraidh.
We were learning about Friendships this week. The children discussed, in groups , what makes a ‘good friend’ and they chose certain words that described the qualities they would like in a friend.
Clas 3 – Bha clas a tri a’ deanamh barrachd obair air a bhith a’ cruthachadh agus ag aithneachadh aireamhan suas gu mile! ‘S iad a tha a’ deanamh math leis!
clas 2
Bha clas a 2 a’ cumail orra le aireamhan gu 100. Chleachd iad diofar ghoireasan agus geamaichean airson luach aireamh a dheanamh agus a’ cuir-ris deichean.
Primary 2 were continuing their work on numbers to 100. They used different games to learn about place value and adding 10 to numbers up to 100!
Bha clas a h-aon ag obair air aireamhan gu deich agus fichead an t-seachdain sa. Tha iad a’ cumail orra le bhith ag aithneachadh cumaidhean aireamh cuideachd.
Primary 1 were continuing to work on recognising numbers shapes as well as recognising number up to 10 and 20.
fuaimean & facail/sounds and words
RME- Diwalli
We were learning about Diwalli – The Festival of Lights in RME this week.
We watched a video showing how people decorate the streets with coloured powders and create beautiful Lotus flowers, called Rangolli patterns, as a symbol meaning Welcome.
Here are our versions which we made using powder paint!
Ealan – A’ leantainn eisimpleir
Ghluais sinn air adhart bho na leasanan mu dheidhinn ‘loidhnichean’ an t-seachdain sa agus seall cho math ‘s a rinn clas 2 agus 3 a’ leantainn eisimpleir beag air bheag. Bha clas a h-aon a deanamh an aon seorsa ionnsachadh ach le deilbh nas simplidh.
Tha sinn a’ coimhead air adhart ri dath a chuir orra an ath sheachdain!
We moved onto the next stage of our art lessons about ‘line’ this week. The children were all learning about drawing in stages although p2 & 3 had more of a challenge as they were learning to draw Simba from the Lion King! I think you’ll agree they made a very good first attempt!
We can’t wait to add colour next week!