This week we saw lots of progress with our plants. We found some of the strawberries had ripened and collected them to take back with us. We can confirm they were delicious! John Kenneth said “They are tastier than the ones you buy in the supermarket!”
The lettuce we planted a few weeks ago has now been sent home and is ready to be out into a bigger pot…although there was very little lettuce left on some of them because one taste just wasn’t enough!
We also replanted our sunflowers into bigger pots and Charlotte said “You need a piece of Bamboo to support the sunflower so that it doesn’t fall.”
When speaking about our trip the children were able to tell me that if you move some plants into a bigger pot – it allows them to grow bigger!
Chunnaic sinn tòrr adhartas nuair a chaidh sinn gu Horshader an t-seachdain sa. Lorg sinn Sùbh-Làran a bha deiseil airson an ith- mmmmm bha iad Blasta!
Thuir John Kenneth “ Tha iad nas blasta nan a sùbh-laran a bhios tu a’ ceannach anns a’ bhùth!”
Chuir sinn dhachaigh a’ leatas a chuir sinn bho chionn dhà no thrì seachdainean agus tha sin a-nis deiseil airson a chuir ann am poit nas motha. Bha cuid dhiubh caran lom a’ dol dhachaigh ge-tà… cha robh aon bhlas gu leòr dha feadhainn!
Chuir sinn na flùraichean-grèine ann am poitean nas motha. Thuirt Charlotte “ Feumaidh tu pìos Bambù gus nach tuit am flùr.”
Nuair a bhruidhinn sinn mun an turas bha a’ chlann ag innse dhomh ma ghluaiseas tu cuid de lusan gu poit nas motha gum faigh iad an cothrom fàs nas motha.