Thàinig dithis bho Radio Nan Gàidheal a bhruidhinn ris a’ chlas mu dheidhinn na tha iad air a bhith ag ionnsachadh aig Horshader leis gu bheil Seachdain Nàiseanta gàirneilearachd ann an ath sheachdain. Bha iad cuideachd a’ bruidhinn air an co-fharpais a th’aca le sgoil eile.
Dh’èist sinn ris a’ phrògram anns a’ chlas ach ma bu chaomh leibh èisteachd ris aig an taigh cleachd an ceangal gu h-ìosal. Tha am pìos againn air mu trì chairtealan tron a’ phrògram.
Two ladies from BBC Radio Nan Gàidheal came to speak to the children this week about their experiences at Horshader. This was ahead of National Gardening Week next week. The children also touched on the plants they are growing at home as they take part in the competition for the Westside Cattle Show this Summer.
We listened to the programme as a class but if you would like to hear it you can access it using the link above. Our piece is on around ¾ of the way through the programme.
Brilliant work, we enjoyed listening to this.
Fantastic- so glad you enjoyed listening to it- they did so well 🙂