An t-seachdain sa bha sinn a’ dol thairis air cuspairean maths a bha sinn ag obair air an teirm a chaidh. Thòisich sinn a nuair sin a’ coimhead air slighe-stiùiridh. Bha againn ri beagan obair a dhèanamh air a bhith a’ cuimhneachadh dè an taobh a bha clì agus dè an taobh a bha deas ach dh’obraich sinn math ann am buidhnean measgaichte leis an fheadhainn as sine a’ chuideachadh an fheadhainn as òige.
Mhothaich sinn cuideachd gu robh seo coltach ris an gèam còdadh a bhios sinn a’ cluich “lightbot” air hour of code.
This week’s maths was about direction and we found it a bit tricky to remember which way was right and which way was left do we had post-its on our hands to remind us!
We put together our own set of directions and tested them out to see if they worked within the space our group had. The older ones were very good at leading the younger ones and helping them with the directions.
Brilliant hearing what they’re getting up to and seeing what they’re doing every day.
Fantastic, We’re glad you’re enjoying seeing all the pictures of what we’re up to 🙂
We’re glad you think so! Thankyou
This is a great idea to see all thier progress , keep up the good work guys