Obair sgeulachd

Tha sinn air a bhith ag obair air sgeulachdan mac-meanma a’ leughadh agus a’ sgriobhadh an teirm-sa. Seo cuid de na goireasan a chleachd sinn airson a bhith ag ionnsachadh briathrachas na sgeulachdan agus an ordugh far am bith rudan a tachairt. Chleachd sinn pupaidean, bord-stoiridh, cairtean, taois airson mathain a chruthachadh agus rinn sinn beagan STEM le bhith a cruthachadh drochaid aison na tri gobhairean agus an trobha. Bha clas a 2 & 3 ag obair air a bhith a’ sgriobhadh litir agus a’ cleachdadh buadhairean airson innse mu dheidhinn caractair. We have been learning about imaginative stories and re-telling stories this term. Here are some of the activities & and resources we’ve used to help with our learning; puppets, storyboards, sequencing cards, playdough to make a bear to use as inspiration to write about and we also included a STEM activity where p1 had to choose materials to build a bridge for the three Billy goats to cross. Clas 2 &3 were developing their letter writing skills by writing a letter of apology from Goldilocks to the Three bears and P3 were using adjectives to describe a character of their choosing.

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