Tchoukball Festival

On the 13th of February 2020 the P6 and 7’s went to a Tchoukball Festival. The difference between a festival and a competition is that in a festival no one counts the score and its about having fun not winning. We played 8 games and had lots of fun. The skills I used were: teamwork skills, communication skills and accuracy skills.

Science – Electricity

We started a new subject in Science, this term we are learning about electricity.  We were experimenting with circuits.  One experiment we did was using a two-way switch.  When I pushed in one direction the first lamp lit up and when I switched it the other way the other lamp went on.  The skills I used were observation and problem solving.  I have also started learning about the symbols that are used when we draw circuits.


Eilidh and Erin paris

On the 20th of November Eilidh and Erin were very busy  in Disneyland Paris doing highland dancing .

They did very well and even got a ton of medals and trophies.

They both did a duet together which was called tweedle dum and tweedle dee and with that they won best costume characterisation.

Erin got


5th in the fling

1st in the seann truibhas

1st in the reel

1st in the flora

1st in the lilt

over all national trophy                                                                                                      runner up highland trophy

Eilidh got

3rd in the fling

3rd in the seann truibhas

1st in the reel

3rd in the flora

3rd in the lilt

and did very well with almost getting runner up in highland

Both girls did very well and made us proud!

Well done both of you coming home with a lot of medals






Science Experiments


We have been learning about pathogens (microorganisms that cause disease).  We carried out a science experiment to find out how pathogens spread.  We found out that the best way to wash your hands is with soap and warm water for 20 seconds.  How you wash your hands is also important.

This is a photograph of another science experiment to find out which conditions cause the most mould growth on a piece of bread.  We found out that damp and dark conditions caused the mould to spread the quickest.

Clann ann an Eis

Air Dihaoine an 15mh den t-Samhain bha sinn anns an aodach leabaidh againn fad an latha airson latha Clann ann an Eis.

Bha farpais-cheist againn agus bhuannaich Frozen flowers – buidheann cuairt litir na sgoile. Thainig Pudsey a cheilidh oirnn agus chord e rinn.

Bha teoclaid teth againn agus rinn sinn cupcakes  agus bha fountain teoclaid againn agus dh’ith sinn torr measan!

Chord an latha rinn gu mor! Uile gu leir chruinnich sinn £81.29.




Eilidh and Erin dancing

On the 12th of November Eilidh and Erin had a Highland Dancing showcase event .They were practising their dances for their upcoming trip to Disneyland.

They did their duet Tweedledum and Tweedledee  and they did their 7 dwarves group routine.

They did really well. Enjoy your trip and good luck!!

Leasaich clann cruthachail, cùramach, misneachail agus soirbheachail (Create caring, confident, creative and successful citizens)

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