Crater Experiment

Our class have been learning about Space this term. We were investigating how the size and weight of a meteorite is related to the size of the crater it makes.  We were using marbles to find out if small meteorites and large meteorites make the same-sized craters.

The craters of the Moon, like many of those on Earth, were created by meteorites.

By P3-7


World Book Day 1st March 2018

WORLD BOOK DAY Thursday 1st March 2018

World Book Day takes place on Thursday 1st March 2018, and we would like to invite you to take part this year.

Nurseries, schools and libraries across the UK celebrate World Book Day with a huge range of events and activities. Sgoil Bhreascleit Pupil Council will be organising some activities on World Book Day on Thursday 1st of March:

  • Dress up as your favourite character from a book
  • Bring your favourite book to school
  • World Book Day assembly


For more information about World Book Day and ideas on sharing books at home, visit

Bronze Age Burial Chamber

Today (26.01.18) we went outside to meet some archaeologists and they taught us the history of the island and shown us a tool called a peat corer it is used to dig up mud and then we inspect it to find out how old it is. Then we walked over to a bronze age grave and there we learnt how are lives different years ago and what things were made of.

By Donnie P5

Archaeologist Visit to Breasclete

On Friday the 26th of January we met an archaeologist that was talking about what was under the ground about 5000 years ago. After that we went across the road and we saw a pile of circular stones which was a Bronze Age burial chamber and the archaeologist said that this is where ancient people would put the remains of dead people and their ashes. He was also talking about how old the Callanish stones were.

By Josh P7

School Uniform/Eideadh Sgoile

Comhairle nan Eilean Siar’s policy is that pupils attending schools within the Western Isles shall wear school uniform. We support that policy and encourage Sgoil Bhreascleit pupils to wear their school uniform. On the days that pupils have PE they may wear dark jogging trousers, dark shorts, a school polo shirt and gym shoes. It is important that parents label their children’s clothing so that any items can be returned immediately. As the weather can be wet and windy, all children should bring a jacket to school. Sweatshirts, pullovers, cardigans, ties and fleeces can be purchased through the school.

Based on parental income, some families may be eligible for a clothing grant from the Education Authority. Application forms, which must be  submitted annually, are available from the school office or Education and Children’s Services Department.


On the days that pupils have PE they may wear dark jogging trousers, dark shorts, a school polo shirt and gym shoes. It is important that  parents label their children’s clothing.

Pupils will have PE on different days and each class teacher will inform you when the P.E. kit is required.







Enrolment / Clarachadh

Parents wishing to enrol their children are welcome to visit the school. They should telephone the school to arrange a time for their visit. Parents of children who are 5 years old before the end of the following February may enrol them for entry into primary one in August. Enrolment week is advertised in the Stornoway Gazette and we also display notices in the Sgoil Araich, the local newsletter and in the Community Centre.

Parents should come to school to complete an enrolment form and bring the child’s birth certificate. Enrolment forms are available at the school office.

Parents wishing to apply for a place at a school other than the local primary school should apply in writing to:


Louise Smith, Principal Officer Administration & Staffing

Education and Children’s Services Dept, Sandwick Road

Stornoway, HS1 2BW


(Indicating the name of the school that they wish their child to attend.)


Standards and Quality and Improvement Plan (SQIP)

Standards and Quality and Improvement Plan (SQIP)


The Scottish Government recommended this year that all schools combine the two documents—Standards and Quality Report and the School Improvement Plan—into one document.

The purpose of the annual SQIP is to report on the main achievements over the last school year and to bring about further improvement to the learning experiences and achievements of pupils. Improvement planning involves  identifying what is good about a school, deciding how good a school can be and identifying the best way forward.

Sgoil Bhreascleit publishes the report which identifies strengths and areas for improvement in June of each year. The report forms the basis of the  Improvement Plan.

We value the contribution that parents and the wider community make to the life of the school and include them in any self evaluation processes that then inform and/or support our improvement plan.

The plan is made available to all parents.


Policies at Sgoil Bhreascleit

School policies are listed below. Please contact the school office if you wish to view any of the policies.

Local authority policies may be viewed at:

  • GIRFEC – Getting It Right For Every Child
  • Additional Support Needs
  • Most Able Children
  • Anti-Bullying and Equalities
  • Support for Bereavement
  • Care and Welfare
  • Child Protection
  • Health and Safety
  • Inclusion
  • Promoting Positive Behaviour
  • Dress Code
  • Pupil Participation
  • Children Missing from Education
  • Home to School Transport
  • Disruption to Education on Account of Bad Weather
  • Parental Involvement Strategy
  • Learning and Teaching
  • Literacy
  • Mathematics
  • Social Studies
  • Gaelic
  • Science
  • Expressive Arts
  • Health & Wellbeing
  • Religious and Moral Education
  • Religious Observance in Eilean Siar Schools
  • Technologies
  • Citizenship
  • Homework
  • The Use of Information & Communications Technology in Learning & Teaching in Schools
  • E-safety and Acceptable Use of Communication Technology in Schools


Leasaich clann cruthachail, cùramach, misneachail agus soirbheachail (Create caring, confident, creative and successful citizens)

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