On the 5th of October 2019 Katie took part in the Lewis and Harris cross country . She got a medal, well done Katie!
On the 5th of October 2019 Katie took part in the Lewis and Harris cross country . She got a medal, well done Katie!
On the 25.9.19 the school had a Macmillan coffee morning from 11 until 12.
We had a great turn out and lots and lots of cakes and biscuits.
Thank you very much to all who came and donated baking or money thank you very much. We raised £374.80!!
Thank you everyone!
On the 11.9.19 primary 5 to 7 took part in the unihoc competition.
Breasclete B won one game and lost two.
Breasclete A won 2 games and drew the last game and got through to the the finals on the 2 of October .
So well done everyone who took part , both teams played really well! Good luck Breasclete A!
On the 7.9.19 Mairi Anna got the gymnast of the week award in her group gymnastics that takes part every Saturday at the sport centre.
Well done Mairi Anna!
On the 24th of August Erin took part in a highland dancing competition and got all 4 firsts in the highland dances to get the overall highland trophy! She also got first in the trophy fling and won that trophy! She got a 2nd and 4th in the national dances to get the overall national trophy too!
Well done Erin!!
On the 24th of August 2019 Eilidh took part in a highland dancing competition. She won two firsts and two seconds to win the Overall Highland trophy and two fourths in her national dances.
Well done Eilidh!
In the summer holidays Katie and her dog Bruno won the happiest dog 2019. They got a trophy and a rosette to go with it . This competition took part on the 7th of August.
Well done Bruno and Katie!
In the summer holidays Katie took part in a highland dancing competition and got two 4ths, a 4th in the fling and a 4th in the reel. The dancing competition was called the Heb Celt competition by Lynn MacLean School of Dance.
Well done, Katie!
Ghabh a mhòr chuid de na sgoilearan againn pàirt anns a’ Mhòd agus ‘s iad a rinn math!
Seo dealbh den buidheann ceilidh againn, a rinn math sa cho-fharpais aca.
Ghabh clas 5-7 pàirt ann an dealbh-chluich agus fhuair iad an treas àite!
Fhuair Samuel an dàrna àite anns a bhàrdachd aige!
Rinn Robert uabhasach math anns a’ Mhòd leis a bhàrdachd aige.
Rinn Clara uabhasach math anns a’ Mhòd leis a bhàrdachd aice.
Rinn Seumas cho math anns a’ Mhòd leis a bhàrdachd aige!
Rinn Anne Marie uabhasach math leis a bhàrdachd aice.
Rinn Alyssa math anns a bhàrdachd aice agus bhuannaich i a’ chiad àite anns a’ cho-fharpais litreachadh airson clasaichean 4-5! Sgoinneil!!
Seo còisir clasaichean 1-4 – sheinn iad I Bhi Ada.
Rinn Zoe uabhasach math anns a’ Mhòd a’ faighinn an dàrna àite anns an co-fharpais bàrdachd aice!
Rinn Rose Marie uabhasach math aig a’ Mhòd leis am bàrdachd aice.
Rinn Mairi Anna uabhasach math leis am bàrdachd aice. Bhuannaich i an dàrna àite anns an co-fharpais litreachaidh airson clas 6-7.
Rinn Coinneach uabhasach math leis an chòmhradh aige!
Rinn Robbie uabhasach math a’ faighinn chiad àite anns an co-fharpais bàrdachd aige, an dàrna àite anns an còmhradh aige agus an treas àite anns an co-fharpais melodian aige! Bhuannaich e cuideachd An Comunn Cuach le sgoilear eile, airson na puingean as àirde fhaighinn anns na co-fharpaisean bàrdachd. ‘S e cuideachd an aon balach a bh’ anns a’ chòisir!
Rinn Erin uabhasach math a’ faighinn an treas àite anns an solo aice!
Rinn Eilidh uabhasach math leis an solo aice!
Rinn Katie math dha-rireabh aig a’ Mhòd. Bhuannaich i an co-fharpais còmhradh aice, an dàrna àite anns an sgeulachd agus an treas àite ann an seinn tradiseanta.
Rinn Sarah uabhasach math leis an sgeulachd aice, a’ faighinn a chiad àite agus a’ faighinn an dàrna àite anns an còmhradh aice!
Rinn còisir Clas 5-7 uabhasach math anns a’ Mhòd a faighinn an treas áite!
‘S e seo na daoine a bhuannaich rudeigin anns a’ Mhòd. Bhuannaich an sgoil againn an ‘Erisort Cup’ airson an sgoil le na puingean as àirde thairis air na co-fharpaisean bàrdachd agus còmhradh.
Seo na duaisean bho clas 5-7.
Nach iad a rinn math!!!
On Saturday the 18th of May, Robbie went to Orkney as part of the u12 Lewis and Harris select team to compete in the North Counties u12 competition. They played 7 games, won the first 5, lost the 6th, drew the 7th and finished in 2nd place. Well done Robbie!