Class Blogs link

Here are the updated links for the school blogs this session.

We have added our planning sheet for this term to each blog. If you have any suggestions, please feel free to comment on the blog or send an email to We have also added a paper copy of each planning sheet to the noticeboard in the hall.

Thanks for your ongoing support,




School Meals

The lunch choices are sent to parents weekly to enable the children to choose their options.  The Microsoft forms are normally sent on a Friday to be completed by Monday morning at 9am.

Primay 1- 5 are free meals P6-P7 = £1.19  All canteen money should be paid through the – schools catering. > Payments > Online payments > Miscellaneous payments > Schools catering. If you are having any difficulties with this, please contact the office.


Free Meals/school clothing grant application form link below