Monthly Archives: January 2018
Vision, Values and Aims
Our Vision / Ar leirsinn;
“Leasaich clann cruthachail, curamach, misneachail agus soirbheachail”
“Create caring, confident, creative and successful citizens”
Kindness/thoughtfulness, compassion, fairness, honesty, respect, tolerance, understanding, empathy
At Sgoil Bhreascleit we aim to:
- We aim to provide a happy, caring and inclusive learning environment where every child feels valued, confident and motivated to learn.
- We aim to develop children’s health and wellbeing including their physical, personal, moral, social and emotional skills.
- Create educational opportunities where pupils experience challenge and success in their learning, developing the skills needed to enable them to plan for their future.
- Enhance learning experiences that reflect the Gaelic language and culture in our unique environment and small rural community.
- Encourage high expectations of all our pupils in relation to their talents and abilities, both in and out with school.