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The Great Netherlee Bake-Off

Primary 5a and Primary 5b made scones on Friday.  This tied in with our learning in Numeracy and our context for learning, The Titanic, as we had been researching what the passengers would have eaten. It also linked in with learning about Food Hygiene in Health and Wellbeing.

We followed the recipe very carefully and had to weigh and measure the ingredients.  Weighing using the scales was slightly difficult as we had to work out the scale first!

The end results were ‘First Class’ and we all enjoyed eating the scones with butter and jam during Fantastic Friday!

P5a and P5b

Chinese Knotting

Ni hao!

We have been learning a little bit of Mandarin in class and we are going to be looking at the culture of China.  Today, a lady called Lily Chim came to teach us about Chinese knotting.

We managed to complete a knot called the ‘coil knot’ which was tricky to achieve at first!

Here are some pictures of us enjoying ourselves.

Here are some designs that Lily showed us.



World Book Day

We celebrated World Book Day today (9th March) because we had parents’ evening last week.

Our stage decided to dress up as David Walliams book characters!  It was optional, of course, and some people chose to dress up as other characters.

Today, we turned pictures of ourselves into book characters, wrote about them and did some maths based on Raj’s shop!

We ended the day by listening to an audiobook of Mr Stink.  It was really fun.


Fizz Boom Bang!

Today Primary 5 participated in a workshop called Fizz Boom Bang where they got to do experiments!

We had to look for the fizziest, most colour-changing, coolest chemical reaction.

We got to use dimple trays to check the PH of different chemicals and then decide which one was our favourite.

Titanic Project

Primary 5 have been hard at work building models of the Unsinkable Ship at home with their families.  It was really fun to spend time with people at home and to come up with unique ways of recreating the ship.

Primary 5a and Primary 5b will be displaying their masterpieces in the Atrium at Parents’ Evening so please pop along and have a look!  We know that you will be very impressed.

More in-depth pictures will be on the Blog soon.


Tall Ship Trip

On Tuesday 28th February, we visited the Tall Ship and the Riverside Museum in connection with our Titanic context for learning.

We found it really interesting and Iona and Ruby even got to act out the Titanic at the front of the boat!

We participated in a workshop on the Tall Ship where we had to be Marine Archaeologists and excavate artefacts from sand.  We used gloves and a special brush so that we didn’t damage the items.  Once an item was uncovered, we had to use a co-ordinates grid to give the location of it.  It was fun to apply our maths to this activity!

We also toured the ship and compared it to the Titanic!  There were some similarities but also some stark differences.

After lunch, we had a look around the Riverside Museum to look at different forms of transport and how they have developed over time.

Thank you Ms Bell for organising such a great day out.

Where have we been?

We hope that you enjoyed your winter break – we certainly did!
We are back to school to work hard and we have started to learn about our new context for learning – The Titanic!

In French, we have been learning vocabulary for classroom objects such as pens, pencils and highlighters!
We played a game called ‘Qu’est-qu’il manque?’ where we laid out a selection of items on the desk, and Miss Montgomery stole one when our eyes were closed! We then had to guess, in French, which item had disappeared.  It was really fun.


In science, Miss Clark let us feel the temperature of the North Atlantic ocean!  We measured the temperature with thermometers and recorded our results.  Using the iPads, we researched the temperature of the water and different factors that caused trauma at the sinking of The Titanic.


f1 f2 s2s1

Collaborative Literacy – P5a and P5b

“Collaborative learning is when you work with different people.  You can learn from others and can achieve something that you wouldn’t be able to do alone.” Keira , P5a.

P5a and P5b have been working collaboratively in Literacy.  We have been using the book ‘Coming Home’ by Michael Morpurgo as a stimulus for our work.  The book is based on the tale of a robin at winter and follows the story from the Waitrose advert.

Today’s lesson focused on the idea of ‘home’ and what this word means to us.  Our task was to use similes and metaphors to describe our homes and to try and use these phrases to ‘build’ our houses!

We are looking forward to the next lesson that our teachers have planned.

Here we are working hard together:

1 2 3 4

Here are just a few of the fabulous pieces (it was difficult to choose only a few!)

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12