Primaries 4b and 4c reporting …

Gaby and Cameron of P4b would like to share some of this week’s learning in Music with Mr Watson.
We do loads of fun things! We listen to The Carnival of the Animals by Saint-Saens and try to guess which animal is which. He composed music to be like different animals, like lions roaring and hunting and going to sleep. This week we were being kangaroos and learning the meanings of new words like crescendo and diminuendo.


Now for some comments from children in P4c.
Harry said “In Maths I liked identifying how many lines of symmetry each shape has.”
Jennifer commented “I had great fun using a viewfinder outside to draw a line drawing of a landscape. I chose to draw a large tree.”
Leonardo said “I really liked learning about the organs in the body. It was great fun!”

This Week’s News Brought to You by P4a!

This has been a very exciting week. We have had a science lesson about the bones in the human body. Guess what – we have over 200 bones in our body! We have built up so many skills in science. On Friday 13th we had so much fun dressing up in our fantastic opposites day costumes. Also on Friday at tuck we had special Pudsey Bear biscuits. We have had so much fun raising money for Children in Need!
By Lily and Abigail


Art and poetry on our doorstep

112_0812112_0816112_0813112_0806This week we have been going outside a lot to observe the beautiful Autumn colours all around us. They have given us lots of ideas for poetry (watch this space for some wonderful examples coming soon!) and also for art. P4d spent time in the playgound on Tuesday morning using viewfinders for line drawings. Nobody minded that it was quite cold and misty because they were concentrating on their work. Real artists go outside to draw in all weathers, after all!

A Wonderful Roman Week!

This week we made Roman mosaics. It was lots of fun! We used little boards and mini tiles which had one smooth side and one knobbly side. We had to make repeating patterns with the coloured tiles. “I was happy with mine but could have concentrated more on my repeating pattern” said Sam.
On Thursday we had a Roman banquet and we had to lie down on the floor (this is called reclining) which was really annoying! We got to try lots of different foods that the Romans ate. There was even roast dormouse! (Don’t worry, it was just sausages in honey with poppy seeds). “It all tasted yummy!” said Eilidh.
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