P4a sell bags for charity at Christmas Fayre

For the past few weeks we have been very busy making bags to sell for the charity Mary’s Meals.

Sean, our Global Citizenship Rep., met Lindsay from Mary’s Meals. She told him about how the charity started and what it does. We decided to raise money for this important charity.

So while we were doing maths, we had to figure out how much money it would cost to buy 100 bags, to buy enough paint and foam to make a stamp. Mrs Edgar bought these resources to help us make our stamp for the bags.

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Here is the stamp that Lucie made on the foam. We put a roller onto the stamp with paint then printed it onto the bag.

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Here are some pictures of the process.

Our topic has been about charities this term and Iona did a presentation on Mary’s Meals. 112_1170

She told us that £12.20 will feed 1 child for a whole  year. Thanks to the generosity of our family and friends, at the Christmas Fayre we managed to raise a whopping £153.60! The government will double this amount which means  that we have helped  feed 25 children for a whole year.

Thanks to those who bought our bags!

Primary 4a