Tall Ship Trip

On Tuesday 28th February, we visited the Tall Ship and the Riverside Museum in connection with our Titanic context for learning.

We found it really interesting and Iona and Ruby even got to act out the Titanic at the front of the boat!

We participated in a workshop on the Tall Ship where we had to be Marine Archaeologists and excavate artefacts from sand.  We used gloves and a special brush so that we didn’t damage the items.  Once an item was uncovered, we had to use a co-ordinates grid to give the location of it.  It was fun to apply our maths to this activity!

We also toured the ship and compared it to the Titanic!  There were some similarities but also some stark differences.

After lunch, we had a look around the Riverside Museum to look at different forms of transport and how they have developed over time.

Thank you Ms Bell for organising such a great day out.