Welcome to Pupil Support.

Welcome to the Pupil Support section of the school website.  The information on this site is designed to inform you about a range of matters in the school including who to contact with issues regarding your child, careers information, uniform expectations and Personal, Social and Health Education.

The tabs along the top will guide you to the relevant sections including information on your child’s Pupil Support teacher which can be found under the heading ‘Pastoral‘.

At the side of the page, we have a section for frequently asked questions that may offer a quick solution to any question you may have.


The website also provides links to a variety of other agencies providing help in areas such as university applications, careers advice and mental health issues.

Please do not hesitate to contact us should you have any suggestions that would improve our Pupil Support website.

Mrs Gibson (Depute Headteacher – Pupil Support)

Vision and Values

To support every pupil in their development as individuals and enable them to be happy, safe and achieving their full potential.

Our priority is to ensure a pupil-centred approach by:

  • Encouraging pupils to make informed decisions and choices
  • Working in partnership with parents, carers, other agencies and the wider community
  • Promoting an ethos of inclusion

Child Protection and Safeguarding

‘Child Protection is a term used to describe the activity that is undertaken to protect specific children who are suffering or likely to suffer significant harm’

The National Guidance for CP in Scotland (2014) widened the definition (physical, emotional, sexual, neglect, non-organic failure to thrive) to include FGM, child sexual exploitation, prevent / radicalisation, honour based violence, forced marriage, fabricated or induced illness.

Responding to Child Protection and Safeguarding Concerns at Williamwood High School

If we identify that a young person is at risk of harm we have a duty to respond and notify the relevant agencies.

  • Recognise / respond / record / report
  • It is not our responsibility to decide if there is a safeguarding concern. We report concerns.
  • If you notice or are made aware of a safeguarding concern about a young person – please respond by reporting this information to a member of the Pupil Support Team. In addition, you can contact he school’s Child Protection Officer – Mrs MacGlashan, Head Teacher and the Child Protection Coordinator Mrs Gibson, Depute Head Teacher.

At all times we must ensure our safe guarding procedures continue to be robust regarding all young people. We have adopted the council’s Signs of Safety approach to safe guarding.

East Renfrewshire’s Child Protection website is here.

ERC Child Protection Committee Annual Report 2019-20.

ERC Children and families website

ERC web link https://www.eastrenfrewshire.gov.uk/child-protection-committee