Our rhyme of the week is Sing a Song of Sixpence.We have been learning about money. We have been going trips to the local shops to buy items for Nursery.
**** Busy Little Gardeners****
After the Summer our garden is overgrown with weeds! We could hardly see our herbs and flowers. So we set to work with gardening tools and gloves, taking out all the weeds. Those dock leaves and dandelions have grown tall and have very deep roots! If you have any spare time, we would be delighted if you could help.
****Busby and Clarkston Annual Flower Show 2017****
Busby Nursery entered The Busby and Clarkston Annual Flower Show. We were delighted to receive Second prize for making a fruit and vegetable animal. We used potatoes, raisins, apples, pens and sticks. For our third prize we gathered wild flowers from our field and pressed them in books and then mounted them on card.
~~Rhyme of the Week~~
Our rhyme of the week is Jack and Jill. Have a look at the words that rhyme, maybe you could clap at the rhyming word, miss it out or make up your own action .