Category Archives: Technology & Construction

Feeling thankful with the Purple Group

This week the children have been helping Mrs Walker develop our block area, the children have shown a particular interest in building castles, they have been developing their mathematical language as they described their castles.

‘My castle is taller than ………., but hers is longer’ 

‘I built a long castle for the Queen’ 

‘My castle is like the Statue of Liberty, really tall and the colour teal, the statue of Liberty is in New York in America’

As part of Health and Wellbeing Week, we have been discovering what our peers are thankful for. The children thought carefully about this, and posted their answer in our gratitude jar.

‘I am thankful for my Mum’ 

‘I am thankful when my Grandpa kisses and hugs me’ 

‘I am thankful because my Mum takes me to the park all the time’ 

We have also been taking part in a wide range of activities outdoors. We were making muddy handprints and creating obstacle courses, developing their gross motor skills and problem solving skills. Well done everyone.


The Great Outdoors 🌳🍁

The Yellow and Pink groups have been having a variety of outdoor adventures. Today we went on a local walk for a Nature Scavenger Hunt, looking out for different coloured leaves, spider webs and birds. We ticked off all of them!
We stopped to collect pine cones in the lane. We are going to wash, dry and paint them later. “We’ve found tons!”

We enjoyed feeling the beautiful tree bark.
“It feels scratchy”   “Look, I found more moss.”

“Here’s some yellow leaves!”  “Look! Spider webs!”
We also came across some blackberries and interesting fungi.
“The birds will eat them” (berries) 

“Some of them are poisonous, so you don’t touch them”

We then walked round to the back of the new nursery building for a sneak peek at how it is coming along.

Back at  nursery, various outdoor investigations and physical challenges have been taking place:

Balancing, transporting, and building core strength

Ingenious minds construct their own see-saw

After all that… a well deserved Snack.


The Red Group Rev into Action! 🚘

The Red Group are currently based in the Lomond Room in Arran building. They have been eagerly exploring the characters in the exciting story of Supertato and have been role playing his adventures and daring rescues.

In Early Science experiments,  the children  tried different ways to free the peas from inside the frozen ice, adding salt, hot water and using various tools.

The Red Group have also been studying different vegetables and talking about how and where they grow. Then they made their own vegetable characters using different resources and re-enacted some of the key story scenes from Supertato.

“My favourite bit is when Supertato runs!”
“They put him in the jelly…”
“He wanted to kill the vegetable market…”

At group times the Red Group have been enjoying songs with actions, story-telling and talking about their feelings.

Outdoors they have been busy catching rain, puddle splashing and investigating forces with ropes (after reading the story of the Invisible String.)

Mixing powder paint with rain and experimenting with colour.

Using gloop to play and experiment with colour and shape.



We were listening to the story “Little Moon”   about a moon that was lost in space.

After reading the story we drew pictures of our own planets and helped little moon to travel around the solar system to find his home, Earth.

We love singing along to the planets song and learning lots of cool facts!

click on the link below to listen at home:


The children worked together to create the surface of the moon. Lots of gluing, cutting and sticking to develop our fine motor skills.

We also made some rockets and astronauts for our tuff tray.

Our finished product! We enjoyed using our moon for role play and story telling.

Imagine that…

The nursery children have been busy in imaginary worlds of dinosaurs, fairies and robots:
“Look, come and see – someone lives behind this door…. It’s a spider!”
“Tinkerbell lives there.”
“Look, I found these magic beans. If I plant them they will grow into a beanstalk.”
“The dinosaurs can make footprints in the sand.”
“That one’s triceratops, that’s tyrannosaurus.”
“We need to make buttons for the robot.”


Two old bin boxes become great “robots”.

“Dinosaurs eat meat. Some live in the water, some can fly.”

Celebrating Creativity and Imaginative Storytelling

Creating landscapes and stories! Knock it down and build it back up again…

Fine motor skills and fun!

Storytime with Mrs Branco during Book Week Scotland
Floating and sinking… scientific investigations…

What could do to make it a fair test?

                         Colours of Autumn
Weaving materials ….pattern and fine motor skills

Shape, colour and using materials to create art

Making bags with a range of materials to practise our weaving skills.

Look what I have made!

Focus, concentration and creativity.