Category Archives: Health & Wellbeing

Bonjour tout le monde!

Bonjour everyone, 🇫🇷
This week our learning will be focused around languages, of all sorts, Arts & Crafts and ICT.

Miss Lawson says: “This week, I have made a ‘virtual nursery’ which you can access through the green link below. On here there are lots of different activity ideas, videos and links. Please have a play with it. As there is a holiday weekend coming up, I have included enough activities for both this week and next.”

Skills Academy:

This week  we’re making French crêpes to celebrate Languages Week. Below is a recipe. A short demonstration video is also available on Google Classrooms. Enjoy!

How are you Feeling?

How are you feeling today?
Miss Hampton has recommended this great story about all our different feelings.  It is called Lucy’s Blue Day and is written by Christopher Duke.

You can listen to Lorraine Kelly reading the story by clicking on this link:
It’s a very good book to read, especially on a day when you might be feeling not quite right. Miss Hampton has suggested that:
“if you are missing your friends or your other family members, maybe you could draw them a picture or write them a letter. Maybe your grown-ups could help you to post it or email it. I hope you enjoy the story as much as I did and afterwards you could discuss it with your grownups. What was your favourite part of the story? What didn’t you like? Was it thumbs up, so so, or thumbs down? Do you ever have happy, angry or sad days? What makes you feel better? Talking about my feelings always makes me feel better, or a walk outside in the fresh air.”


*Yoga Bugs and Tongue Drums*

We have been very busy  this week exploring many different ways to enhance our health and wellbeing.   Let’s have a look at some of the fabulous experiences  the Red Group have been doing.

Confidence and self esteem

Dare to be different


Crazy hair and yoga cobra pose!     

Yoga can be done anywhere you feel comfortable! Trying out  the spider pose …..this strengthens and activates core muscles….also…..helps to refine fine motor skills (e.g writing and dressing) by activating shoulder muscles and many more benefits, as well as being relaxing and lots of fun challenging yourself!

Mindful Walking







On our mindful walk we stopped to focus on our thoughts and sensations in our bodies  with our eyes closed……….


Bumble Bee pose – find your happy hum!
Building resilience and self esteem

We are  ‘All Kinds of People’  – we had fun mixing paint to match our own different skin tones and making a self portrait.

“My skin’s not that colour, maybe if I mix white and orange”
“I’ve got blonde hair
“My hair is pink and brown”

Have a look at our resources!

Feeling thankful with the Purple Group

This week the children have been helping Mrs Walker develop our block area, the children have shown a particular interest in building castles, they have been developing their mathematical language as they described their castles.

‘My castle is taller than ………., but hers is longer’ 

‘I built a long castle for the Queen’ 

‘My castle is like the Statue of Liberty, really tall and the colour teal, the statue of Liberty is in New York in America’

As part of Health and Wellbeing Week, we have been discovering what our peers are thankful for. The children thought carefully about this, and posted their answer in our gratitude jar.

‘I am thankful for my Mum’ 

‘I am thankful when my Grandpa kisses and hugs me’ 

‘I am thankful because my Mum takes me to the park all the time’ 

We have also been taking part in a wide range of activities outdoors. We were making muddy handprints and creating obstacle courses, developing their gross motor skills and problem solving skills. Well done everyone.


We are Together

Continuing with Health & Wellbeing Week, the Pink and Yellow groups have been exploring feelings through various props in the Story Box, inspired by the lovely book “We are Together” by Britta Teckentrup. It is a story about self belief, resilience, and the power of friendship.

“Look at this… Sun up in the sky with rain. The rain becomes a rainbow!” “I don’t mind rain.”  “I hate rain.” “This one is a shooting star.”

As they played with the props the children also began telling their own stories:
“Evil seagulls come out when there’s a storm. The butterfly will wait” (till the storm has passed)

“We need to add more people.”

“This sounds like birds singing.”

“This one makes it heavier.”

Aw… all cooried up with a soft blanket and heart pillow…

”If storm clouds gather and we’re caught in the rain,
Let’s splash through the puddles until the sun shines again.”
(from “We are Together”)

Health and Well-being with green and blue

For health and well-being week we have been discussing and learning all about our differences and similarities.

We have been reading “Elmer the Elephant“ which conveys the important message of being proud of who you are despite your differences. The children used the character puppets to act out the story as Mrs Branco read to them.

With a choice of a variety of different materials the children were able to create their own transient art elephants.

Some of the children also decorated an elephant picture to take home. Lots of glueing, sticking and colouring to help develop our fine motor skills.


Following on from Elmer the children listened to the story “All Kinds of People” , helping us to visualise the differences there are in people. They then used mirrors to assist in their self portraits, this opened up a dialogue between the children about hair colour, eye colour, height and skin tone etc.

We were able to express to our friends the things we liked about their pictures and the differences between us. Each picture was beautiful and unique just the same as us!


Feeling Groovy 🌞🙏🏼

It is Health and Wellbeing Week! In Pink and Yellow groups we are thinking about our differences & similarities, our feelings, and how to keep ourselves feeling good, relaxed and strong.

Monday is Dare to be Different Day. So we have had cool purple hair, some odd socks and some unusual yet fabulous style choices!

We’ve been talking about the ways we are different and the same.
“I don’t like spiders.”  “I like sprouts!”  “I have blond hair.”  “We all have brains…” “And skeletons.”

Our “Different Together” paper chain:

At Signing- In time each child chose a different patterned strip  to write their name on. We all have different favourite colours and patterns, and we joined them together to make a big paper chain.

We have been talking about different types of people and creating our own tiny people with lollipop sticks, pipe cleaners, buttons, felt, lace, wool and other materials.

“I want her to have red hair at the back and the front. She has a lovely smile.”  
“I’m going to add this for a hat.”
“Let’s play with them…”

Noo-Noo (left)
was feeling lonely because of being a bit different, but look how many friends the children have made for Noo-Noo now!

Tuesday is Bounce Back day, all about resilience.  At Together Time, the children all thought of things that make them feel happy and put them in a Thank You Jar with a coloured feather.

Here are some of the things we are grateful for:
“Star Wars and ice cream,” “Pink, and birdies in my garden”, “Daddy, Mummy” , “My sisters” ,”Squirrels in my gardens, and cats… and jewels”, “Tigers and Pokémon.” “The colour red” ,”Jingle bells” “Tickly feathers” , “My puppy and my two guinea pigs”, “Music in your heart.”
Afterwards we made some Sunshine sticks:

Keep smiling!

The Great Outdoors 🌳🍁

The Yellow and Pink groups have been having a variety of outdoor adventures. Today we went on a local walk for a Nature Scavenger Hunt, looking out for different coloured leaves, spider webs and birds. We ticked off all of them!
We stopped to collect pine cones in the lane. We are going to wash, dry and paint them later. “We’ve found tons!”

We enjoyed feeling the beautiful tree bark.
“It feels scratchy”   “Look, I found more moss.”

“Here’s some yellow leaves!”  “Look! Spider webs!”
We also came across some blackberries and interesting fungi.
“The birds will eat them” (berries) 

“Some of them are poisonous, so you don’t touch them”

We then walked round to the back of the new nursery building for a sneak peek at how it is coming along.

Back at  nursery, various outdoor investigations and physical challenges have been taking place:

Balancing, transporting, and building core strength

Ingenious minds construct their own see-saw

After all that… a well deserved Snack.


Purple Group Adventures

The Purple Group have settled back into Nursery life really well.  We have been establishing old and new friendships, following routines and learning lots of exciting things.

We have been spending a  lot of time outdoors, accessing all aspects of the curriculum.

We love getting our wet suits on and exploring in the rain.

We have been exploring symmetry through a variety of different experiences.  The children  created butterflies and used transient art to develop their awareness of symmetry in their local environment.

Making tea in the water tray stimulated our senses. We have enjoyed taking part in a lot of different sensory activities across the playroom and outdoors.