All posts by Mrs Thompson

Our Local Area

This month we have been learning lots all about our local area. At the start of the topic we posed some questions that we would like to know the answer to, on our learning wall.


As you can see from all of our post-it notes, we have been finding out lots of information! We have used search engines to locate our information and we have been looking various maps. P2b now know what a key in a map is and have created their own key when looking at a map of Giffnock.

We have been designing a PowerPoint in ICT so that we can present our information about the local area in an exciting and engaging way! We have learned how to open and save a PowerPoint presentation, how to add new slides, change the font and add in fancy transitions! Harry said  “I can’t wait to show my presentation to the class!” P2b have also created a leaflet about all of the local amenities in the area for specific groups of people.

In drama, we have linked our learning to the Rights of the Child as well as our topic. We all became different characters (from old ladies to teenagers) and debated whether or not the local park should be knocked down. This also helped to reinforce our learning in talking and listening where we have learned how to agree and disagree with others politely. Have a look at some of us in character…


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We are really looking forward to our last month in P2 and all of the exciting things we will be learning as Primary 3’s in training!


Miss Thomson, Mrs Horrocks and P2b are very sorry because our blogs haven’t been published on the school website! We have been so busy doing lots of different things this year and we have been posting our blogs on P2b’s GLOW page instead. They are now up here for everyone to see, we hope you enjoy reading what we have been doing!

Amazing April!

We have been awesome again this month!! Our swimming skills are continuing to develop. We have been swimming longer distances and even jumping in the deep end of the big pool. Some of us have been spending a lot of time outdoors climbing trees and making dens. We have also been doing really well at completing our daily mile challenge!

School was not as fun as it is now

In Snapshots of the Past we have enjoyed learning about what it was like to go to school a long time ago. By researching, we discovered that teachers were very strict and that if children were naughty they had to wear a dunce hat and were often given the cane. We have also been learning about what homes were like and we are looking forward to creating a single end as part of technology.

Back in the day…

We have started our brand new topic called Snapshots of the Past. First we had to learn what the words decade and century meant. Then we began learning about toys and games from different decades. We learned how to make a timeline, how to draw a Venn diagram and make a table of comparisons. We have looked at toys people played with by searching for reliable information during ICT. We have even created our own board game by finding out what makes a good game in any decade!

“I learned that typewriters were invented before computers” – Yousaf
“I learned that in the olden days rocking horses had real hair from a real horse for the tail and hair.” – Neve
“I learned that cameras in the olden days didn’t have any colour so they were black and white.” – Azlaan
“I learned that on Sundays children were only allowed to play with their Noah’s Ark toy.” – Leah
“I learned that in the olden days girls only played with girls toys and boys only played with boys toys. Rich and poor people had different toys made from different materials too.”

Fantastic, Fabulous Fireworks

This month we did lots of work all about fireworks as it was November. We learned how to write acrostic poems about fireworks. Edie said “I had to use lots of wow words in my poem.” Yousaf said “An acrostic poem is when you think of a word and write it down the side and every line starts with a letter from the word.” We also learned how to use colour to make our firework picture eye-catching! Leah said “I used a lot of bright colours to make my picture stand out!” PC McDowall also vistied us to teach us about being safe on Bonfire Night. We decided to write her a thank you letter because we have been learning how to write letters. Katie said “I learned that you have to write your address at the top right corner.” Ella added “You have to write yours sincerely at the end.” Neve said “Or sometimes you write yours faithfully.” We have been so busy this month and we have learned lots!

Neat November!

We have been superstars in P2b again! This month, we have had a football coach visiting us during P.E and this has helped us to learn lots of new football skills like saving goals and controlling the ball with our bodies.
Both inside and outside of school we have been learning lots of gymnastic skills like how to safely do cartwheels, backflips, hand stands and forward rolls.
Our Christmas show is coming up and we have all been working hard to learn our lines, songs and dance moves. We can’t wait to perform it!

Awesome October

We have been doing lots of fantastic things this month to become awesome achievers. Outside school we have been developing our swimming skills by learning how to do backstroke, use a swimming ring and even how to do a mushroom float underwater! At school we have been acting responsibly by picking up litter in the playground. In class we have been working hard to finish our tasks on time and use our new word wall to help with Literacy tasks. We have also been developing our confidence by answering questions during whole class activities. At home we have continued to show kindness by helping our brothers and sisters.