Welcome to our final blog for this term, we have been working very hard and learned lots of new skills.

During Health and Wellbeing lessons we learned about: healthy eating, peer pressure and food journeys. We created a balanced meal plan and a guide to help other pupils deal with peer pressure. Harry and Edie said “eating a balanced diet gives us energy to do the activities we like”.

In PE lessons we have been learning about basketball. We have been developing our skills: bounce pass, chest past, dribble and shooting. Team work and pair work were important to help us to learn and develop these skills. We also learned about sportsmanship and cooperation while playing team sports. Fraser explained that sportsmanship was “being fair to the other people you are playing with and playing by the rules”. We continue to do our daily fitness and enjoy challenging each other to beat our personal best.  Next term we will be learning gymnastics and badminton skills.

We have also been studying Weather in Science. We learned about the different types of clouds; Cirrus, Stratus and Cumulus. We have explored climate and how it affects animals and foods.  We researched and then produced a non-chronological report about different types of Weather.

During our Art lessons we confidently created a tile and made Escher patterns. We made our patterns into animals which were a wide variety of styles. Some pupils challenged themselves to make more complicated designs.

During lessons in ICT we developed our skills in editing word documents and putting images into a word document using the internet. We took part in hour of code during Coding Week. We demonstrated good team work by helping each other to code our games. Yousaf said “I got to level 10 then asked Alfie and Fraser to help me get to level 12”.

RME lessons focused on Christmas around the world we discussed the traditions that are used across the world. We used our advent calendar to find out a new fact each day. We have been confidently reading out the facts to the other pupils in our class.

Achievements – We have achieved some great things outside of school. Some of us are very excited to say that we can now tie our shoe laces. We have progressed in levels within our clubs; swimming, badminton and skiing. We have taken part in gymnastics competitions. We have also been winning lots of football games. Some of the class have been working very hard during their dance lessons and can really see the improvement in their skills. We even used them during the school talent show.

Article 29: You have the right to education which develops your personality, respect for other’s rights and the environment.

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