Autumn in P5b

Our class assembly focused on team work and co-operation as this is what our RME lessons had been about.  Rachel S learned that TEAM stands for Together Everyone Achieves More.  As it is the centenary of the end of WW1, we were keen to find out a bit more information. Sarah found it interesting how the soldiers in WW1 had to show co-operation to keep their spirits up. We learned that the trenches were awful places where the soldiers lived and fought. Maeve thought this would be a hard place to live. In response to a short video clip, we wrote emotive poems. We used Green Screen technology to create a short film demonstrating team work and co-operation set in WW1. Fraser, Yousaf, Rachel M, Aleeza, Christopher and Aaron took a lead role playing the characters. During Art, we created a sunset using paint, then we drew a silhouette outline of a cross and/or soldier. To complete the art work, we added paper poppies to the picture. Ella enjoyed making poppies out of tissue paper, whereas Abby preferred using the red cupcake cases to make poppies. Well done to everyone for learning their lines and speaking confidently in the assembly.

We have finished our swimming lessons and our PE focus is now ball skills. As part of this we are excited to have a specialist visiting to teach us cricket. Leah has enjoyed playing a game called Jail Break as part of this input. We have been learning dribbling and passing skills with basketballs.

During ICT, we have started to look at coding using the programme Scratch. We have been following instructions to guide us through a whole module, with the aim of creating a memory game. Alfie said it was enjoyable but it was hard to make sure you didn’t make a simple mistake that means the code doesn’t work properly. We’ll need to go back and check some of the code really carefully! Neve and Raymah said they enjoyed the coding because it was a challenge but it was complicated at the end. However they are happy because they finished the module. Aleeza and Hannah said that it got easier with each session because they were more familiar with the programme.

In Social Studies we have continued to learn about Native Americans. We were able to successfully write a short story using picture symbols, and we are now familiar with some of the tribal names. Next, we will research similarities and differences between the different tribal areas in North America.

Literacy and Numeracy  Our learning in these areas will draw upon the contexts listed above but will differ according to the needs of each class / group. Your support with consolidation of core learning through homework activities will be very beneficial to our children.

Awesome Achievers

Primary 5b continue to work hard in various sporting clubs – climbing, gymnastics, football tournament, running, swimming, cricket and karate! Some of us have become a bit more adventurous, trying go-karting, tree trekking and cross country. With the more autumnal weather, there have been delicious pancakes and cookies being baked, as well as opportunities to help around the house and take the time to practise our musical instruments.

Article 29: You have the right to education which develops your personality, respect for other’s rights and the environment.