All posts by Mrs Thompson

Rainforest Explorers

In Social Studies, we have been learning about “The Rainforest”. Primary 2b can now name all four layers of the rainforest! Anna said “I know the layers are called the forest floor, the understory, the canopy and the emergent.”

We researched the layers and learned which plants and animals are found in each. Sarah told us “I know which species lives on the forest floor, jaguars!” Harry said “Tapirs live there too!”

We discussed the climate of each layer and discovered that the plants in the understory had much bigger leaves than the canopy and emergent layers. Fraser said “I know that this is because they need bigger leaves to absorb more sunlight to stay alive!”

In ICT we have been learning to use Microsoft Word and we have typed some sentences about the layers. We have been changing the font, the size and the colour. Finlay said “I liked changing the font because I liked to see all of the cool fonts!”

We thought about the animals from the rainforest in Expressive Arts. Neve said “First we made a patterned snake!” Leah added “We made a frog using pointillism.” Ella said “I made an owl with a fluffy texture.”

We are really enjoying learning lots about the Rainforest!

Super September

We have been awesome achievers in Primary 2b this month.
At home we are kind, caring and helpful with our younger family members. Outside of school we have been very active by swimming in deep water and riding our bikes without stabilisers. We have been learning lots of new things like how to tie our shoe laces and ties and even how to bake scones.
We really are awesome!