The inaugural Schools Guitar Ensembles Competition was held at the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland on Saturday 5 November 2017 as part of the annual Big Guitar Weekend. A small ensemble lead by our guitar instructor Mr John Hallam, performed and competed in the event. The pupils involved were Michael O’Neill (S6), Mark Rae (S6), Mairi Small (S6), Paul Hayes (S5) and Kate Rankin (S3). Our pupils had a great day and really benefited from the experience:

“It was an excellent experience for all pupils involved. The ensemble performed ‘A ‘Bourée’ by L. Mozart and ‘Amanecer’ by F.M. Torroba.  The ensemble were first to play and was well  received by the audience.  The competition was stiff and although the group did not win, we received positive comments from the panel.”