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Special Day of Prayer and Fasting for Peace

Pope Francis has launched a special Day of Prayer and Fasting for Peace for war-torn nations, especially the Democratic Republic of Congo and for South Sudan that are suffering protracted conflict. He invites all men and women of goodwill to join in praying and fasting for peace on Friday 23rd February.

The Stations of the Cross

The Stations of the Cross have long been a feature of the Church’s devotional life, especially during the season of Lent. When used in the daily life of our school or use at home or in your local parish setting, these Stations may be a preparation for Holy Mass or may follow immediately afterwards. As always, they may also be used in private prayer.


Family Lenten Retreat

The Parents in Prayer group from St Joseph’s Church invites all pupils, family and friends to join them as they prepare for a meaningful and prayerful lent. 
This Sunday 11th Feb at 3pm – St Joseph’s Church hall
Everyone from baby to Granny welcome! Home baking and refreshments will be available!

Pope Francis Prayer Intention for February: Say No To Corruption

Ignoring the corruption around us doesn’t do any good. If we want to end corruption and stop it from doing so much damage in our world, we have to stare it down and speak clearly, just as Pope Francis is. “What is at the root of slavery, unemployment, and disregard for nature and goods held in common? Corruption, a process of death that feeds the culture of death. Because the thirst for power and possessions knows no limits. Corruption is not countered with silence. We must speak about it, denounce its evils, and try to understand it so as to show our resolve to make mercy reign over meanness, beauty over nothingness. Let us pray that those who have material, political or spiritual power may resist any lure of corruption.”

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Young Apologists

In addition to our Religious Education Programme we  offer pupils many opportunities to add to their understanding of their faith. Such is very important for our young people if they are to be witnesses to the faith and be able to explain the tenets of the faith to others even in situations where people may be quite opposed to the faith.

Last Session, a good number of pupils thoroughly enjoyed the Paisley Faith Forum Series of talks in St Mirin’s Chaplaincy Centre and this Session we have taken groups to the first two in the current series of Glasgow Faith Forum in Turnbull Hall, Glasgow University.

We have been able to give pupils a series of three excellent books by Fr Marcus Holden and Fr Andrew Pinsent : ‘Credo – The Catholic Faith Explained’; ‘Apologia – Catholic Answers To Today’s Questions’ and ‘Lumen – The Catholic Gift to Civilisation’.

Some of our pupils are photographed with the books and Fr Gerry Byrne who is well known to many pupils and is a great supporter of the Glasgow Faith Forum.

Westminister and Holyrood Motions Supporting Catholic Schools


Below is the text of an e-mail from Barbara Couper who is Director of the Scottish Catholic Education Service. The e-mail highlight motions being put forward in the Westminister Parliament and the Holyrood Parliament – both motions are in support of Catholic Schools. 



Dear Colleagues,

As we celebrate Catholic Education Week, I wanted to bring to your attention two Motions put to the Westminster and Scottish Parliaments in support of Catholic Education, and in particular the note that we are marking the Centenary of the 1918 Education (Scotland) Act.

 We would like to encourage every MP and MSP to sign the appropriate Motion as a sign of the continuing partnership between Church and Government. I would therefore ask your assistance in encouraging our parents, parishioners, staff and pupils to contact their local MP and MSP to ask if they will be publicly supporting Catholic Education by putting their name to this Motion.

 As you will see there are already 8 supporters (including the proposer Donald Cameron) in the Scottish Parliament and 19 in Westminster.  We would hope that with the help of our Catholic Education community we could contact all MPs and MSPs and encourage them to sign.

Kindest regards,
