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Caritas Awards Commissioning Service.

Pope Benedict XVI Caritas Awards.
Commissioning Service at 7.00pm on Tuesday 13 November 2018.

The Pope Benedict XVI Caritas Awards were initiated by the Scottish Catholic Education Service to mark the visit of Pope Benedict to Scotland in 2010. Since then, literally thousands of Secondary Students throughout Scotland have been successful in achieving the Caritas Award marking their great work in the school, parishes and faith community.

The Caritas Awards encourage and support students to be reflective about their faith and prayer life; to complete works of service to others in the parish, local faith community and school.

An important component of the Caritas Awards is the support offered by the parish or faith community, the school and the family. Therefore, we extend a warm welcome to all Caritas pupils and their parents and families to join local priests and school staff for our Caritas Commissioning Service which will take place at 7.00pm on Tuesday 13 November 2018 in our Oratory which will be followed by teas and coffees.

The Service of Light.

Our Annual Service of Light will be held at 12.20pm on Tuesday 20 November 2018. At this Service we will pray for our close relatives and friends who have died in the past twelve months.

Fr Jonathan will lead this Service of Prayer and Remembrance with prayers and the Gospel.

If you would like your close friend or relative who has died within the past twelve months to be included in this Service please pass on their name and relationship to you. Names can be sent to or given to Mr Bradshaw or Mr Cumming by Friday 16 November 2018

Each name will be added to our November List and read out at the Service. As each person’s name is read out, a special candle will be lit for them. At the end of the Service relatives can take the candle home to be a focus of prayer for the family.

All families and friends are invited to join the Service

November – The Month of the Holy Souls.

From the Old Testament Book of 2 Maccabees and the rich tradition of the Church we are encouraged to pray for the Holy Souls – those faithful departed who in life responded in faith to God’s Call but for some attachment to sin are not yet able to join him in Heaven.

For Centuries, the Church has dedicated the Month of November as the Month of the Holy Souls and has encouraged us to pray for them.

We are fortunate to have Mass at 8.25am on Tuesdays, Thursday and Friday. We would invite all staff, pupils, families and friends to join us at Masses in November to pray specifically for the Holy Souls.

World Youth Day At Home with URSpace

The next World Youth Day will be held in Panama in January 2019 and no doubt will be a great succcess. However, it will be quite difficult and expensive for young people in Scotland to get to Panama.
Therefore, the Salesian URSpace Team invite young people in Saint Ninian’s to join with them at ‘WYD at Home’ which will take place in Liverpool on the Weekend of 25th to 27th January 2019.
This weekend will emulate the joy, the faith, the friendship and faith of the Panama event but may not match the weather in Panama.

If you would like to take part in this event see Mr Bradshaw as soon as possible. A deposit of £30 has to be paid very soon and a final £30 paid in January 2019

SCIAF 6k Family Run.

If you would like further information see Mrs McCoy or Mr Bradshaw.

Dear Friends,
We’re delighted to be holding our second SCIAF 6k Family Fun Run in June and we expect it to be even bigger and better than last year!
Millions of people walk for hours every day in search of food and water. Others flee across continents to get to safety. Our 6k is a chance to share their journey. Entry fees and sponsorship money raised will help people in some of the poorest communities in the world to survive and thrive.

This year’s race takes place on Saturday 2nd June at Strathclyde Country Park. The run begins at 11am, but the fun starts from 10am onwards. With plenty of music, stalls and games this will be a perfect summer’s day out for the whole family.
The entry fee for young people is £5 but we’re offering free places to interested pupils and encouraging them to get sponsorship if they can. We’d love willing teachers to download the application form and promote the 6k.

We suggest a deadline for pupils to give their application forms to teachers by 22nd May so the teacher can email Teresa, our event organiser, with numbers (
Teachers will then receive an email confirming the number of registrations and a document with more details about the race day. Application forms can be posted or scanned and emailed to Teresa.

Any sponsorship could be collected and sent in after the event. Full details about our 6k can be found on our website.
We are, as always, very grateful for your support all year round and we look forward to seeing you at Strathclyde Park if you’re able to join us.
Elaine McGinlay and Mark Booker
Schools and Education Officers

Lasallian Developing World Projects 2019.

This week Bro John Deeney spoke to all Fifth Year Classes about the Lasallian Developing World Projects for Summer 2019. Current Fifth Year Pupils are invited to apply for these projects which support education in developing countries.

The Timeline for Summer 2019.

13 and 15 March 2018.
Bro John speaks to Fifth Year.

27 April 2018.
Completed Application Forms to be with Bro John. Process in Leaflets issued by Bro John.
Two references are required. If you would like a reference from School, you must inform member of staff by this date.
The School References will be sent to Bro John by the end of May 2018. The School will provide only one reference.
Other references should be sent at by 27 April 2018.

June 2018.
In the Second Week of the New Timetable, Bro John will interview applicants.

August 2018.
Bro John will offer places to successful applicants.
By this time pupils will have ‘had’ results and will know their priorities and be able to accept/reject the offer of a place.

August 2018 to June 2019.
Bro John will keep successful applicant aware of meetings, deadlines and payment of monies.

Summer 2019
Participation in the projects.

March Events.

Catholic Leadership Meeting will take place at 3,40pm on Monday 12 March.

We encourage all pupils who are involved in the faith life of the school in any way eg SCIAF, Life, Helping Hands, Youth to Lourdes, Lasallian, Altar Servers, Readers, Eucharistic Ministers etc to come along to this meeting. Very importantly, we would ask them to bring a friend who could become involved but is not yet. The meeting will finish after 4.00pm with a snack.



Station Mass with Bishop Keenan : 7.00pm on Thursday 15 March 2018.

Bishop Keenan will celebrate Mass of the parishes served by Saint Ninian’s. This is to promote involvement in the work of the diocese and involvement in the parish. We hope to have a good representation from the school. If you would  to represent the school at this important Mass, give your name to Mr Bradshaw. The Mass will be held in St Cadoc’s Church.  Pupils can make their own way but transport will also leave from the school.



Lent Week 3

Month of Prayer


» Download a PDF of the prayer

To Care When We Cannot Cure

For everything, there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven:
a time to be born, and a time to die;
a time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted;
a time to kill, and a time to heal;
a time to break down, and a time to build up;
a time to weep, and a time to laugh;
a time to mourn, and a time to dance;
Ecclesiastes 3: 1-4

Ever-gracious and loving God, we are humbled in the face of what we cannot cure.
The mysteries of life and death belong only to you.

Give us strength enough to do the next right thing each day.
Give us joy enough to serve you in the face of sorrow.
Give us peace enough to know that you are in each moment.
Give us vision enough to see each person as your cherished son and daughter.

May the limitations that remind us of our place as “creation” and yours as “Creator” be a cause for rejoicing and an inspiration to care, even when we cannot cure. We ask this in the name of Christ who is the Great Physician, Amen.