Author Archives: Ms Kelly

A Prayer for Ash Wednesday

By Joseph Nassal, CPPS

Compassionate and Holy God,
stir the dust of our lives and help us remember who we are.
Scatter this dust upon the field of our fear
and give us the courage to yield to redemption.
Ignite the ashes of our burned-out dreams and kindle life.
As we carefully place these ashes in the urn of our heart,
we yearn for sparks of new life.

Loving God,
as we paint our faces with these ashes,
You call us to turn away from sin but not from death.
You tempt us to look the face of death in the eye
as we embrace and remember life.

Merciful God,
as we carry the ash tattoo of the cross upon our foreheads,
kindle within us memories of your mercy.
Give us the courage to turn away from sin and return to You,
and so find our way to one another.
It is in this turning that we find our truth.



Weekly Prayers

Wednesday 14th February

On Valentine’s Day we remember St. Valentine, the martyr, who brought couples together in Holy marriage against the laws of the day and who had the strength to stand-up for what he believed. Like St. Valentine we must show strength during the period of Lent.

Ash Wednesday is the first day of Lent. It marks the start of our preparation for the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Over the forty days of Lent, our preparation focuses on three areas: fasting, penitence and almsgiving. We pray that through our preparation we are ready to receive the Good News that our Lord, Jesus Christ died for our sins and rose again three days later so that we might be saved.

Our Father…

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Family Lenten Retreat

The Parents in Prayer group from St Joseph’s Church invites all pupils, family and friends to join them as they prepare for a meaningful and prayerful lent. 
This Sunday 11th Feb at 3pm – St Joseph’s Church hall
Everyone from baby to Granny welcome! Home baking and refreshments will be available!

Pope Francis Prayer Intention for February: Say No To Corruption

Ignoring the corruption around us doesn’t do any good. If we want to end corruption and stop it from doing so much damage in our world, we have to stare it down and speak clearly, just as Pope Francis is. “What is at the root of slavery, unemployment, and disregard for nature and goods held in common? Corruption, a process of death that feeds the culture of death. Because the thirst for power and possessions knows no limits. Corruption is not countered with silence. We must speak about it, denounce its evils, and try to understand it so as to show our resolve to make mercy reign over meanness, beauty over nothingness. Let us pray that those who have material, political or spiritual power may resist any lure of corruption.”

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Weekly Prayers

Monday 5 February

Heavenly father, I am your humble servant,
I come before you today in need of hope.
There are times when I felt helpless,
There are times when I feel weak.
I pray for hope

Help me to walk in your light, and live
my life in faith and glory.
In your name I pray.


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Mass Schedule




Mass for Secondary Schools, Diocese of Paisley, 7pm, St Mirin’s Cathedral.



Mass for Secondary Schools, Archdiocese of Glasgow, 7pm, St. Andrew’s Cathedral.

Glasgow Faith Forum, Turnbull Hall, with Anthony Horan on the place of politics in religion – Bus leaving the school at 6.30pm.



Feast of Presentation of Our Lord, (Candlemas Day).

Eucharistic Adoration: 12-1pm. Rosary at 12.25pm.