NNC Parent News 31.03.2023

Hello everyone,

Wow- what a busy and exciting term we have had! Diversity month was a great success. A very special thanks to those who visited our Nursery to talk to our children and staff about different countries, including Sweden, Spain, Italy and Africa. It was so interesting! The children also learned all about Sikhism from the Gurdwara and danced along to the beat of a Dhol drum played by Mrs Kaur’s son. Check out our pictures on our nursery and school twitter @sand_nc

Family Focused Gold Award: Update (School and Nursery)
As stated in last week’s Friday Bundle, we are hoping to achieve our Gold Award Accreditation on Friday 19th May.  As part of the Gold Award accreditation, parents and carers are required to complete a questionnaire containing a series of reflective statements about our school and nursery. We need at least an 80% return rate, so we would be very grateful for your responses. Please click the links to access nursery parent and carer questionnaire and school parent and carer questionnaire. If you have a child in both school and nursery, we kindly ask that you complete the nursery questionnaire only if at all possible. The questionnaires will go live from Monday 17th April and will close on Friday 12th May 3pm. Thank-you for your continued support.

Breastfeeding Policy
We provide a warm and welcoming environment for breastfeeding families in our school and nursery. Our Family Room, situated near the front door of the school, provides a comfortable and quiet space where breastfeeding can take place without interruption or intrusion. Our staff are trained to offer support to breastfeeding parents and are aware of the aims and principles of our School and Nursery Breastfeeding Policy. Please note that this policy is available to view on our website too. You can access this policy, and others, through clicking on this link.

If you require to use our Family Room to enable you to breastfeed, please don’t hesitate to ask, our office staff will be able to help by showing you where the Family Room is.

Next Parent Council Meeting – Wednesday 19th April at 7pm in the school Hub
The next meeting of the school and nursery parent council will be at 7pm on Wednesday 19th April.  This will be in the hub in the school.  We hope to see as many parents and carers as possible and as ever will hear from the school leadership team on a number of issues, with the opportunity for free and open discussion.  If there is anything you would particularly like us to raise at the meeting then please email netherleeparentcouncil@gmail.com.  We look forward to hearing from you and seeing you after the holidays.

Have a brilliant and well-rested Spring Holiday with friends and family.

Yvonne Donaldson (HT) and Jennifer McCann (PT)
Netherlee Primary School & Nursery Class

Parent News 31.03.2023

Hello everyone,

Breastfeeding Policy
We provide a warm and welcoming environment for breastfeeding families in our school and nursery. Our Family Room, situated near the front door of the school, provides a comfortable and quiet space where breastfeeding can take place without interruption or intrusion. Our staff are trained to offer support to breastfeeding parents and are aware of the aims and principles of our School and Nursery Breastfeeding Policy. Please note that this policy is available to view on our website too. You can access this policy, and others, through clicking on this link.

If you require to use our Family Room to enable you to breastfeed, please don’t hesitate to ask, our office staff will be able to help by showing you where the Family Room is.

Next Parent Council Meeting – Wednesday 19th April at 7pm in the school Hub
The next meeting of the school and nursery Parent Council will be at 7pm on Wednesday 19th April.  This will be in the Hub in the school.  We hope to see as many parents and carers as possible and as ever will hear from the school leadership team on a number of issues, with the opportunity for free and open discussion.  If there is anything you would particularly like us to raise at the meeting then please email netherleeparentcouncil@gmail.com.  We look forward to hearing from you and seeing you after the holidays.

Easter Service
Thank you to Reverend Blythe, and the Netherlee and Stamperland Church Community, for welcoming our P4-7 pupils and staff into the church for our wonderful Easter Service. A huge well done to our amazing young people who read, sang and played instruments so beautifully. Below is a link to the recording of the service.

Primary 3a: Trip
An email was sent to parents regarding their child’s trip.

Primary 3b: Trip
An email was sent to parents regarding their child’s trip.

Primary 3c: Trip
An email was sent to parents regarding their child’s trip.

Primary 7: Beauty and The Beast Tickets
Primary 7 are extremely excited to officially invite you to purchase tickets for our school show Beauty and The Beast. We are thrilled to be able to put on a full production P7 show this year in May, something that sadly Netherlee has not been able to fully do since before Covid. The show is not only giving us the opportunity to work on our drama, music and dancing skills, but also our art (painting sets and designing costumes), technology (building sets and creating costumes) and I.C.T (taking responsibility for all the microphones and lights).

We are incredibly excited about our show and being able to share all that we have been learning and rehearsing and would love it if you were able to spare some time to come along to see us!

Tickets are £2 and there is a maximum of 2 tickets per child per show. Tickets will be allocated on a first come, first served basis and we are anticipating this to be popular, so please get your tickets as soon as possible to avoid disappointment.

Please see attached an official invite with more information about dates, times and how to purchase tickets.
Beauty and The Beast Invite

Happy Holidays
I would like to wish all children, staff and families a really lovely, well-earned holiday fortnight. Please keep safe and enjoy some downtime. We will all be here, looking forward to seeing all of our children back again, on Monday 17th April.

Have a lovely weekend.

Yvonne Donaldson
Head Teacher
Netherlee Primary School & Nursery Class

NNC Parent News 24.03.2023

Hello everyone

Today we said goodbye to the wonderful Miss Jade Toner, who worked alongside Mrs Fiona Daley as a keyworker of the Green group in the Saplings. Jade has secured a post a Maidenhill Nursery Class and we wish her all the very best. We will all miss you so much- good luck Jade!

We are very excited to welcome back Mrs Amanda Hicks on Monday following her maternity leave. Amanda will take over from Jade and work with Mrs Daley and the Green Group. We are delighted to have her back!

Family Focused Gold Accreditation: Update
As you will already know, we are hoping to achieve our Family Focused Gold Award on Friday 19th May.   A key focus of the Family Focused Gold Award is the creation of a Charter. The school took part in a challenge to come up with a design for our School and Nursery Charter. Well done to Freya in Primary 6 who came up with this fantastic design, which will also feature our nursery teddy bear.

We worked alongside our parent group to create the charter statements.  These statements underpin the award itself and reflect the values and ethos of Netherlee. Our Family Focused Charter’s will now be created and situated within the school and nursery entrances, so keep your eyes peeled next time you are in for a visit!

As part of the Gold Award accreditation, parents and carers are required to complete a questionnaire containing a series of reflective statements about our school and nursery. We would be very grateful for your responses as having a high response rate is part of the accreditation. The link to complete the questionnaire will be sent in next week’s Friday Bundle and will go live from Monday 17th April. Thank you for your continued support.

Nursery: What to Bring
At Netherlee, we understand the benefits of allowing children to engage in risky play outdoors. This includes building resilience, managing risks and knowing their limits. Our children play outdoors in all weathers, so they can get a little wet or muddy sometimes! In order to support this, we kindly ask that children bring wellies and a change of clothes with them to nursery each day.

Infectious Diseases
If your child has an infectious disease e.g. chickenpox, scarlet fever etc, please contact our school office 0141 570 7260 or email SchoolMail@netherlee.e-renfrew.sch.uk to inform us of this. Thank you.

Learning Links
Please click here to view the Acorns and the Saplings Learning Links. This enables you to have fun doing some similar experiences at home if you would like to. This week’s song of the week is ‘Sleeping Bunnies’ which can be listened to and enjoyed by accessing your child’s Google Classroom: https://sts.platform.rmunify.com/Account/SignIn/glow

Comic Relief
A huge thank you for your generous donations, the school and nursery raised a total of £850.30 for Comic Relief.

Bookbug Sessions
A new fortnightly Bookbug session will be starting this week in Netherlee Pavilion library. Details are in the poster attached.
Bookbug poster

Easter Break
The Nursery will remain open until 6pm on Friday 31st March, and reopen on Monday 17th April.

Diversity Event
We are looking forward to a lovely event sharing the culture of our Netherlee community. We still need volunteers to help make it all happen. Please click on the following link to sign up to help us with setting up, tidying up, or to help in the refreshment area.  Thank you.

Have a nice weekend everyone.

Yvonne Donaldson (HT) and Jennifer McCann (PT)
Netherlee Primary School & Nursery Class

Parents News 24.03.2023

Hello everyone

Comic Relief
A huge thank you for your generous donations, the school and nursery raised a total of £850.30 for Comic Relief- thank you so much for supporting this very worthwhile cause.

Open Classrooms
We are very much looking forward to welcoming parents into school on Friday 21st April for Open Classrooms. As indicated in the Dates for your Diary previously issued we invite P1-4 parents between 11.15 and 11.45am and ask that you enter via the Clarkston Road Gate. Please use the doors to the right of the ramp to both enter and leave the school. P5-7 parents, we look forward to welcoming you between 9.30 and 10am and we ask you to enter and exit via the main front door at reception. We request a maximum of two adults per child. Our children and staff are looking forward to seeing you then if you are able to join us.

School Uniform
As we are heading into Term 4, I thought it would be a good point to share how our uniform policy is going in Netherlee.  We are very pleased with how the adaptation of our school uniform to now include a PE Uniform is going this session.  This is proving to be a very positive adaptation as it ensures children have the longest time possible for PE as they no longer have to spend time getting changed in school, their privacy is also maintained as, like most primary schools, we don’t have designated changing rooms in Netherlee and they are also comfortable and prepared when spending time outdoors during their outdoor learning lots each week.

Whilst the vast majority of our pupils come to school each day dressed in full school or PE uniform unfortunately, we have noticed an increasing number of children, mostly from the senior classes from P5-P7 who are no longer fully following the policy in terms of the non- wearing of obvious branded clothing to school e.g. Nike branded hoodies indoors and/ or striped Nike/ Adidas branded bottom half items for PE.  Can I please therefore strongly request that our uniform policy is fully adhered to at all times. As a reminder of what the items are you can see the uniform policy here by clicking this link.

For your ease, the main point is in relation to:

  • PE Uniform bottom half items e.g. leggings, shorts or joggers should be plain navy in colour and not have any branded logos on show.  This is an important part of our policy and one that, during the consultation, was seen as an important point by all groups of stakeholders.

Thank you and as always if you have any questions about this, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

In relation to the above, our uniform recycling rails go out weekly at the Clarkston Road Gate at the following times. Friday, between 8.50am – 9am (P1-3 smaller items) and 3pm – 3.10pm (P4-P7 middle and larger sizes) at the Clarkston Road School Gate.  These items are all completely free of charge and include badged uniform items as well as non-badged grey and navy items.  We are also very happy to source items from these rails ourselves for you if you can’t make it to view the rails on a Friday, please just call or email and we will be happy to help. A reminder too that EVERY DAY our red Uniform Donations Box is available at the main school reception area for you to drop off any unwanted, pre-loved uniform items that your child has outgrown (badged, grey or navy). Thank you VERY much for your support and continued attention to this.

Upcoming Change to Weekly Emails
We want to let you know that the Friday Bundles will look slightly different after the upcoming holiday fortnight. Our Friday Bundle will now be known as the Friday Newsletter and will contain all school news. A separate email will be issued, if applicable, detailing any upcoming trips or clubs which are relevant to only your child/ren stage(s).

Family Focused Gold Accreditation: Update
As you will already know, we are hoping to achieve our Family Focused Gold Award on Friday 19th May.   A key focus of the Family Focused Gold Award is the creation of a Charter. The school took part in a challenge to come up with a design for our School and Nursery Charter. Well done to Freya in Primary 6 who came up with this fantastic design, which will also feature our Nursery teddy bear.

We worked alongside our parent group to create the charter statements.  These statements underpin the award itself and reflect the values and ethos of Netherlee. Our Family Focused Charter’s will now be created and situated within the school and nursery entrances, so keep your eyes peeled next time you are in for a visit!

As part of the Gold Award accreditation, parents and carers are required to complete a questionnaire containing a series of reflective statements about our school and nursery. We would be very grateful for your responses as having a high response rate id part of the accreditation. The link to complete the questionnaire will be sent in next week’s Friday Bundle and will go live from Monday 17th April. Thank you for your continued support.

Netherlee Budding Minds Seed Sale
Our Primary 6 and Primary 7 Gardening club members will be hosting a seed and plant sale on Thursday 30th March at 3.15pm at the main school gates, as they work towards completing their Level 5 award for the RHS Schools Gardening Campaign. This event will also be part of the RHS Big Seed Sow and you will also have the opportunity to sow your own seeds to take home. Mrs Cross, our parent helper will also be providing tea, coffee, juice, and cake. Any donations would be welcome which will contribute towards the Netherlee Budding Minds garden funds.

Diversity Event
We are looking forward to a lovely event sharing the culture of our Netherlee community. We still need volunteers to help make it all happen. Please click on the following link to sign up to help us with setting up, tidying up, or to help in the refreshment area.
Thank you.

Church Service
On the morning of Thursday 30th March, P4-7 will attend Netherlee Church for our Easter Service. As space is limited within the church, unfortunately, we will only be able to accommodate two family members from the children who are reading, performing in the choir or playing their instrument. Separate information has been sent to these families already, please only attend the service if you have received confirmation that your child will be performing. The service will be recorded and a link to the recording will be emailed out in the Friday Bundle on the 31st March. We hope that you are not too disappointed with these restrictions. If you would prefer your child not to attend for religious reasons, please email the school office by Wed 29th March at the latest.  For safety reasons, we cannot accommodate any further withdrawal requests on Thursday morning.

Easter/ Spring Break
School will close slightly earlier on Friday, 31st March P1 and P2 will finish at 2:25pm and P3-7 will finish at 2.30pm.  School and nursery will reopen to all children and staff on Monday 17th April.

Primary 4a: Trip
An email was sent to parents regarding their child’s trip.

Primary 4b: Trip
An email was sent to parents regarding their child’s trip .

Primary 4c: Trip
An email was sent to parents regarding their child’s trip .

Primary 4d: Trip
An email was sent to parents regarding their child ‘s trip.

Primary 6a:  Trip
An email was sent to parents regarding their child’s trip.

Primary 6b: Trip
An email was sent to parents regarding their child’s trip.

Primary 6c:  Trip
An email was sent to parents regarding their child’s trip.

Primary 6d: Trip
An email was sent to parents regarding their child’s trip.

Primary 6/7: Sexual Health
Please see letter regarding the above lessons for your child.

Primary 6/7 Rugby Club
An afterschool P6-7 Rugby Club will be starting on a Thursday 18th May from 3.15pm-4.15pm. The club will run for 4 weeks. Full details are as follows:
Activity: P6-7 Rugby Club
Day and Time: Thursday 3.15 pm– 4.15pm.
Dates:  18th, 25st May, 1st, 8th June
Venue:  Netherlee Primary
Delivered by:  Mr Aitken
No. of pupils: 24
Cost: Free

If you think your child would be interested in attending, please complete the form here: https://forms.office.com/e/CdfSh31SMi  no later than Tuesday 28th March. In the event of oversubscription names will be balloted. All successful applicants will be notified and asked to complete a consent form via ParentsPortal.

Primary 7: Trip
An email was sent to parents regarding their child’s trip.

Primary 7: Sports Event
An email was sent to parents regarding our Primary 7 sports event.

Primary 7: Beauty and the Beast – Thank You
Primary 7 would like to send a huge thank you to everybody who came along to our Tea Party and a great big ‘cheer’ for all the very generous donations that we have received. It was brilliant seeing so many people there and we greatly appreciate your generosity. We have raised an incredible £940 from this event and this will go towards tech, costumes and set design for the show.

Primary 7: Prop Donations
As you know, Primary 7 are working extremely hard on their school show, Beauty and The Beast. For the show we require quite a lot of different props and the attached list shows some items that we are still looking for. So we are sending out this plea to see if there are objects/ items/ treasures lingering at the back of cupboards that we might be able to borrow or could be donated. We will gratefully receive anything from the list that you already have at home (PLEASE DO NOT BUY ANYTHING).  If you could please drop in off any donations at the school office, or via your child, by Friday 31st March that would be much appreciated. If you would like your item back after the show, please just let us know when it is handed in and we will make sure it gets back to you.

As always, thank you for your continued support.

Have a lovely weekend.

Yvonne Donaldson
Head Teacher
Netherlee Primary School & Nursery Class

Parents News 17.03.2023

Hello everyone

Feedback Friday
Just a reminder that on Friday, it is Feedback Friday for all classes. Children should bring their home learning jotters/project work into school that day.

Living Streets Active Travel Parent survey
On Monday 15th – Friday 19th May, we will be taking part in the ‘Walk to School Week’ led by Living Streets. We will share more information about planned activities nearer to the time. In the meantime, we would like to gather more information about how our children travel to and from school and nursery to support us with compiling our School and Nursery Travel Plan. We would greatly appreciate it if you could complete the parent survey below. This information will help us to encourage more of our children and families to walk to school and nursery and support our families to be active each day.  Thank you for your support.  https://forms.office.com/e/buxVJWa1H7

Pupil Parliament Sharing session and P7 Leadership Groups
We are so proud of all of the fantastic learning on show at our second Pupil Parliament Sharing session this week. Our Primary 7 Leaders created a fun quiz for each committee to test their knowledge from across the term! All of our children were included in viewing each committee’s learning at our showcase. We also asked all children to share their views on the next steps for our Citizenship, Eco, Wellbeing and Safety Committees. Our Pupil Parliament will recommence after the Spring holidays and we are excited to share our final missions with you then.

Our Primary 7 Leadership Groups have been working incredibly hard this term to lead various initiatives across our nursery, school, and the wider community. We have created an informative and interesting Sway for you to view our pupil groups learning which can be viewed on our school Twitter account.

Parental Volunteers
We are the Netherlee Pupil Parliament, a pupil group dedicated to promoting pupil voice and positive health and wellbeing within our school.  As part of our role we want to help increase the number of extra-curricular clubs on offer at the school. To help us do this, we would love to invite you to volunteer and lead in our extra-curricular programme to build on the activities that are being led by teachers, staff and community clubs. If you have an interest, training or qualification in a particular sport or any activity we would love to hear from you.  This could be running, tennis, engineering, digital technology e.g. coding, art, cooking etc. If you are interested in volunteering or finding out more please complete the information form below.
Parental Volunteer: Extra-Curricular Clubs

The fundamental aim of Netherlee Primary is to offer all children opportunities and motivation to adopt active, fulfilling and healthy lifestyles, now and into adulthood.  We aim to do this by increasing opportunities before, during and after school, and in the wider community for our children to fulfill their potential in a wide variety of curricular areas.

We look forward to hearing from you and welcoming you as a volunteer!

Family Cross Country
Next term we are going to introduce a family cross country run/ jog J, after-school club. This fun activity will run for four weeks, every Tuesday from 3.15pm until 4pm on the following dates:

Tuesday 16 May
Tuesday 30 May
Tuesday 6 May
Tuesday 13 May

In the event of over subscription, we will need to run a ballot. We will get back in touch if you have been successful in getting a place.  If your family would be interested in taking part, please complete the following link. https://forms.office.com/e/uE2NBxth1V.

I hope you agree that this is an exciting opportunity for your family.  If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Primary 1: Transition Feedback
At Netherlee, we are constantly seeking ways to improve our practice. We understand the importance of giving parents a voice with regards to policies and procedures which impact their children. We will soon be creating a ‘Transition to School’ policy. We would love to hear your views with regards to your child’s recent experience to support us in the creation of this policy. Please click here to submit your views. We kindly ask that responses are submitted by Friday, 24th March at 3pm.

Primary 2: Diversity Month
As part of Diversity Month, one of our lovely dinner ladies has kindly agreed to come in to help the Primary 2 children make salsa. This will be happening on Monday 27 March 2023.

The ingredients we will be using are:

  • Tomatoes
  • Peppers
  • Onions
  • Tomato puree
  • Mixed herbs
  • Tortilla wraps

Children can participate in making and tasting the salsa however, this task is completely optional. If you would prefer your child did not take part, please let us know. We have taken into account any allergy information we hold for your child. Please let us know if this information needs updated. We hope the children enjoy this experience as part of their learning in Diversity Month.

Primary 3a: Update
It is with mixed emotions that we share with you that Miss McLauchlan will be leaving Netherlee on Wednesday 22nd March. We’re sure you’ll agree that she has done a wonderful job teaching your children whilst Mrs Allan has been on maternity leave. Thank you, Miss McLauchlan, for all your hard work and we wish you all the very best for the future!

Mrs Allan will return to Netherlee to teach the class starting on Monday 27th March. She will work every Monday, Tuesday and alternate Wednesdays. Your child will continue to be taught by Mrs Malone on alternate Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays.

We are very much looking forward to welcoming Mrs Allan back into school and know she is excited about her return and working with your children.

Primary 3: Diversity Month
As part of Diversity Month, one of our P3 parents has kindly agreed to come in and share her experience of living in Canada. This will be happening on Thursday 23 March 2023.

As part of the visit, the children will have the opportunity to enjoy pancakes with maple syrup, a traditional Canadian food however, this task is completely optional. If you would prefer your child did not take part in the tasting session, please let us know. We have taken into account any allergy information we hold for your child. Please let us know if this information needs updated. We hope the children enjoy this experience as part of their learning in Diversity Month.

Primary 3/4: Girls Football Club
An afterschool Girls Football Club/ P3/4 will be starting on a Wednesday 17th May from 3.15-4.15pm. The club will run for 4 weeks. Full details are as follows:
Activity: P3/4 Girls Football Club
Day and Time: Wednesday 3.15 pm– 4.15pm.
Dates:  17th, 31st May, 7th,14th June
Venue:  Gym Hall
Delivered by:  Busby Football Coaches
No. of pupils: 20
Cost: Free

If you think your child would be interested in attending, please complete the form here: https://forms.office.com/e/ZFpRtRyP7J no later than Thursday 23rd March. In the event of oversubscription names will be balloted. All successful applicants will be notified and asked to complete a consent form via ParentsPortal.

Primary 4-7: Cricket Club
An afterschool P4-7 Cricket Club will be starting on a Friday 19th May from 3.15pm-4.15pm. The club will run for 4 weeks. Full details are as follows:
Activity: P4-7 Cricket Club
Day and Time: Friday 3.15 pm– 4.15pm.
Dates:  19th May, 2nd, 9th, 16th June
Venue:  Netherlee Primary
Delivered by:  Chris Cox
No. of pupils: 24
Cost: Free

If you think your child would be interested in attending, please complete the form here: https://forms.office.com/e/ng4xMAEyJV later than Thursday 23rd March. In the event of oversubscription names will be balloted. All successful applicants will be notified and asked to complete a consent form via ParentsPortal.

Primary 5: Baking Club
An afterschool P5 Baking Club will be starting on a Thursday 18th May from 3.15pm-4.15pm. The club will run for 4 weeks. Full details are as follows:
Activity: P5 Baking Club
Day and Time: Thursday 3.15 pm– 4.15pm
Dates:  18th, 25th May, 1st, 8th June
Venue:  Netherlee Primary
Delivered by:  Mrs Andrews
No. of pupils: 15
Cost: £4.00

If you think your child would be interested in attending, please complete the form here: https://forms.office.com/e/Q5nGMZ01Nb no later than Thursday 23rd March. In the event of oversubscription names will be balloted. All successful applicants will be notified and asked to complete a consent form via ParentsPortal.

Primary 5: Trip

An email was sent to parents  about  Primary 5 Trip.

Primary 5a: Visit
An email was sent to parents  regarding  a local area trip.

Primary 5b: Visit
An email was sent to parents  regarding  a local area trip.

Primary 5c: Visit
An email was sent to parents  regarding  a local area trip.

Primary 5c: Class Update
I am sure your children may have told you that Miss Bolger will be leaving us shortly.  We all wish her the best of luck in her new job with the RSPB.  Miss Bolger’s last day with us will be next Friday, 24th March.  From this date, the children will be working fulltime with Mrs Pollock until we stop in June.

Primary 5d: Visit
An email was sent to parents  regarding  a local area trip.

Primary 7: Rugby Club
An afterschool P7 Rugby Club will be starting on a Thursday 18th May from 3.15pm-4.15pm. The club will run for 4 weeks. Full details are as follows:
Activity: P7 Rugby Club
Day and Time: Thursday 3.15 pm– 4.15pm
Dates:  18th, 25st May, 1st, 8th June
Venue:  Netherlee Primary
Delivered by:  Mr Aitken
No. of pupils: 24
Cost: Free

If you think your child would be interested in attending, please complete the form here: https://forms.office.com/e/CdfSh31SMi no later than Thursday 23rd March. In the event of oversubscription names will be balloted. All successful applicants will be notified and asked to complete a consent form via ParentsPortal.

Have a lovely weekend.

Yvonne Donaldson
Head Teacher
Netherlee Primary School & Nursery Class

NNC Parents News 17.03.2023

Hello everyone,

Our Book Bug sessions were a great success this week! The children just loved listening to the rhymes and stories and joining in with the actions. Thank-you so much to our fantastic Book Bug leaders in the nursery, Joanne Greig and Lynne Morton. They did a wonderful job leading the sessions and making them fun and engaging for all the family. You can also check out local Book Bug sessions in East Renfrewshire libraries.

Working in Partnership with Families at Netherlee
At Netherlee, we value working in partnership with our parents and carers and welcome your feedback. Our recently updated Nursery Parental Involvement Policy, along with some others, can now be viewed on our nursery website. We would love to hear your feedback with regards to this policy in order to evaluate our practice. Please click here to submit your views. We kindly ask that responses are submitted by Friday 24th March 3pm.

Stay and Play

Please be reminded of our Stay and Play sessions next week. Sign-up sheets are still available so if you still require a slot, please let a member of staff know at the door when dropping off or collecting.

Parent and Carer Volunteers
Do you have a particular skill or interest? The children and staff would really love to learn from you!

We are welcoming parent and carers who would be willing to volunteer to come to the nursery to carry out an activity with our children based on particular skills or interests you might have, such as sewing, playing a musical instrument, dancing, gardening or woodwork.

Also, it is always interesting for the children to find out about professions such as any emergency or health care services so if you have a profession you think you could share with the children please do let us know. For example, this may include a visit from a dentist to talk to children about looking after their teeth.

If you are interested, please complete this form. In future, we will include this form on the last Friday of every month and add to our nursery website. Thank you!

Also, we are still looking for volunteers to enhance the children’s learning in traditional cultures, languages, traditions and religions from all over the world as part of Diversity Month. We would love to welcome volunteers into the nursery If you were born in another country, have lived, worked, volunteered or have family members who live in another country, we would love to hear from you! If you think this is something you could help with, please drop us an email on nurserymail@netherlee.e-renfrew.sch.uk or give Jennifer McCann (Principal Teacher) a call on 0141 570 7260 to discuss in more detail.

Special Books
We’re really looking forward to sending home your child’s Special Book next week, week beginning Monday 20th March.  Our Special Books are a fantastic way of sharing your child’s learning journey during their time at nursery. We hope you thoroughly enjoy looking at the book together.

Personal Care Plans
Each child has a ‘Personal Care Plan’ which focuses on the wellbeing indicators (Safe, Healthy, Achieving, Nurtured, Active, Respected, Responsible and Included) from Getting it Right for Every Child. Our Personal Care Plans allow parents to share information to identify next steps to support children’s learning and wellbeing within nursery or at home. These are sent home every six months. If you have recently received your child’s personal care plan to complete, please ensure these are returned to nursery as soon as possible- thank you.

Learning Links
Please click here to view this week’s learning links for Acorns and Saplings. This week’s song of the week is ‘Rain, Rain, Go Away’ which can be listened to and enjoyed by logging into your child’s Google Classroom: https://sts.platform.rmunify.com/Account/SignIn/glow

Recycled Donations
Thank you so much to everyone who has kindly donated items to our nursery so far. This week we would gratefully receive any items to support both our Cosy Corner areas and Literacy experiences from our wish list below. If you have, and are finished with, any of these types of items below, please hand in to either of the nursery buildings. Many, many thanks.

  • Empty cereal boxes
  • Children’s non-fiction, fact books
  • Cosy cushions
  • Rugs

Living Streets Active Travel Parent survey
On Monday 15th – Friday 19th May, we will be taking part in the ‘Walk to School Week’ led by Living Streets. We will share more information about planned activities nearer to the time. In the meantime, we would like to gather more information about how our children travel to and from school and nursery to support us with compiling our School and Nursery Travel Plan. We would greatly appreciate it if you could complete the parent survey below. This information will help us to encourage more of our children and families to walk to school and nursery and support our families to be active each day.  Thank you for your support.  https://forms.office.com/e/buxVJWa1H7

Have a lovely weekend.

Yvonne Donaldson (HT) and Jennifer McCann (PT)
Netherlee Primary School & Nursery Class

Parent News 10.03.2023

Hello everyone

Comic Relief
Please see letter here regarding our Anything But a Bag Day on Friday, 17th March.

East Renfrewshire Culture and Leisure Holiday Camps
We’re running All Star Sports Camp, All Star Activity Camp, Play In A Week, World of Art Camp & intensive swimming lessons during the spring holidays.

Our All Star Sports Camp & All Star Activity Camp are led by our Active Schools & Sports Development Team and delivered by our fantastic team of coaches and tutors! Our Play In A Week & World of Art Camps are delivered by our expert arts and drama tutors! Finally, our intensive swimming lessons are ran by our highly skilled swimming instructors!

Our Spring, Summer & October Holiday Camps are on sale now, for more information and ways to book, please visit: https://www.ercultureandleisure.org/sports-arts/holidaycamps/

Easter Service
Mr Watson has been very busy preparing for our Netherlee Easter Service with our P6 choir and musicians from P5, 6 & 7. The service will take place on the morning of Thursday 30th March in Netherlee and Stamperland Parish Church. As you will be aware, this date has been scheduled as a potential strike day should the current pay offer not be agreed, however, we wanted to share arrangements for the service with you now.

As space is limited within the church, unfortunately, while we would love to have everyone that wants to attend the service, we will only be able to accommodate two family members from the children that are performing in the choir or are playing their instrument. Separate information has been sent to these families today, please only attend the service if you receive confirmation that your child will be performing. The service will be recorded and a link to the recording will be emailed out in the Friday Bundle on the 31st March. We hope that you are not too disappointed with these restrictions.

Family Focused Gold Award: Update
As you know, our school and nursery are hoping to achieve our Family Focused Gold Award on Friday 19th May.  This award shows that we include and support all of our families in the life of the school and nursery. The award also shows that we uphold the principles of Getting It Right for Every Child, otherwise known as GIRFEC.

The accreditation process involves working together with staff, pupils and parents to create a Charter for the school and nursery. We met with our ‘Everyone Matters’ parent group this week to discuss and create our 10 charter statements and evaluate our school and nursery practice. We will share the final version of both our School and Nursery charters once complete! Keep an eye out on our upcoming Friday Bundles for more updates.

Diversity Evening- A Date for your Diary
On Wednesday 29 March 2023, a culture evening will be held in our school atrium to celebrate and share all the different cultures within Netherlee Primary School and Nursery Class.

The PTA and school are inviting all families to share their cultural heritage through a range of ways such as:

  • Having a small display / exhibition on your country and culture (can include food tasting and demonstrations);
  • Showcasing traditional music;
  • Recital in other languages; or
  • Dancing

You may even have other creative ways to share your heritage with the Netherlee community, which you are welcome to do.

Of course, you can simply come along to enjoy the evening. There will be refreshments, entertainment, free workshops and activities to enjoy on the evening too!

If you or your family would like to host a display or showcase something, please contact Mrs Kelly Linn at schoolmail@netherlee.e-renfrew.sch.uk or contact the PTA at netherleepta@gmail.com.

I hope you agree this will be a wonderful evening of celebrating our Netherlee Community. We look forward to seeing you there.

Primary 1a HealthiER Minds Lessons
Please see the attached information in relation to a new set of lessons which we have been asked to try with our pupils. They are on the Theme of Bereavement, Grief and Loss and have been designed by the HealthiER Minds team. The attached document will give you more information in relation to these lessons. If you have any questions regarding these lessons please just contact us on school mail or call the office.
Bereavement Loss and Grief Curricular Resource Information for Parents and Carers

P1 Diversity Month
As part of Diversity Month, one of our lovely dinner ladies has kindly agreed to come in to help the Primary 1 children make guacamole. This will be happening on Monday 20 March 2023.

The ingredients we will be using are:

  • Avocado
  • Lemon juice
  • Coriander
  • Tortilla wraps

Children can participate in making and tasting the guacamole.  We have taken into account any allergy information we hold for your child. Please let the office know if this information needs updated at all. We hope the children enjoy this experience as part of their learning in Diversity Month.

Primary 1 Cooking
As part of our Diversity Month, P1 will be making Arepas (from South America) in our school kitchen. This activity will be carried out on Tuesday 28th March.

The ingredients are as follows-

  • water
  • salt
  • pre-cooked white cornmeal
  • vegetable oil
  • cheddar cheese

Please advise us if there are any changes to the allergy information we hold for your child.

P1 and P2 Recycled Donations: Thank-you!
We just want to say a huge thank-you to those that have donated pre-loved items to our P1 and P2 Open Area. These resources have been used to replenish, support and enhance our play spaces for our children. We are just blown away by your generosity! We will be sure to post which pre-loved items we are in need of next in our Friday Bundle. Thank-you for your continued support.

Primary 3: Trip
An email has been sent to P3 parents/carers with details of the trip.

Primary 3: Instrumental Music Service Trials for instrumental music lessons for next year will be held before the summer. If your child would be interested in learning a musical instrument, please fill out the form provided. The form will also let you know which instruments are available within your school for their relevant year group.

P3 Recruitment e-form link: https://forms.office.com/e/95rXCTsHaE

Primary 4a HealthiER Minds Lessons
Please see the attached information in relation to a new set of lessons which we have been asked to try with our pupils. They are on the Theme of Bereavement, Grief and Loss and have been designed by the HealthiER Minds team. The attached document will give you more information in relation to these lessons.If you have any questions regarding these lessons please just contact us on school mail or call the office.
Bereavement Loss and Grief Curricular Resource Information for Parents and Carers

Primary 4: Instrumental Music Service
Trials for instrumental music lessons for next year will be held before the summer. If your child would be interested in learning a musical instrument, please fill out the form provided. The form will also let you know which instruments are available within your school for their relevant year group.

P4 ‘Come and Try’ Event application e-form link:  https://forms.office.com/e/cv6V1MUTQ3

Primary 4: Diversity Month
As part of our Diversity Month, a parent has volunteered to come in to make traditional, open Polish sandwiches with the children in Primary 4. Children will be able to choose from the following ingredients:
Polish bread
cold meats

Our parent has also very kindly offered to bring in nut-free, Polish sweets for the children to try. We will take into account any allergy information we currently have on file for your child. Please let us know if this information needs updated and do get in touch if you have any further questions. I hope your child finds this to be a worthwhile and enjoyable experience.

Primary 5: Instrumental Music Service

Trials for instrumental music lessons for next year will be held before the summer. If your child would be interested in learning a musical instrument, please fill out the form provided. The form will also let you know which instruments are available within your school for their relevant year group.

P5 Recruitment e-form link: https://forms.office.com/e/iAuQGizHey

Primary 6: Instrumental Music Service
Trials for instrumental music lessons for next year will be held before the summer. If your child would be interested in learning a musical instrument, please fill out the form provided. The form will also let you know which instruments are available within your school for their relevant year group.

P6 ‘Come and Try’ Event application e-form link: https://forms.office.com/e/kewbmm24pA

P6d HealthiER Minds Lessons
Please see the attached information in relation to a new set of lessons which we have been asked to try with our pupils. They are on the Theme of Bereavement, Grief and Loss and have been designed by the HealthiER Minds team. The attached document will give you more information in relation to these lessons. If you have any questions regarding these lessons please just contact us on school mail or call the office.}
Bereavement Loss and Grief Curricular Resource Information for Parents and Carers

Have a lovely weekend.

Yvonne Donaldson
Head Teacher
Netherlee Primary School & Nursery Class

NNC Parent News 10.03.2023

Hello everyone,

We are celebrating Diversity during the month of March and learning about different countries from around the world. Each stage in the school and nursery is focusing on a different continent. Following on from our focus on France during Languages week in February, the Nursery will continue to learn about other countries in Europe.

As well as this, we would love to welcome volunteers into the nursery to enhance the children’s learning in traditional cultures, languages, traditions and religions from all over the world. If you were born in another country, have lived, worked, volunteered or have family members who live in another country, we would love to hear from you!

This might include teaching the children a traditional dance, or some simple greetings in another language.  If you think this is something you could help with, please drop us an email on netherleemail@netherlee.e-renfrew.sch.uk or give Jennifer McCann (Principal Teacher) a call on 0141 570 7260 to discuss in more detail.

Also, we want to say thank-you to those who have provided family photographs for our Cosy Corners in our nursery buildings. The children just love to see some familiar faces to make this space really feel like home! Should you wish to add a family photograph to our cosy corner, please do not hesitate to email us a photograph nurserymail@netherlee.e-renfrew.sch.uk.

Comic Relief
Please see letter regarding our Crazy Hair Do fundraising event on Friday, 17th March.

Family Focused Gold Award: Update
As you know, our school and nursery is hoping to achieve our Family Focused Gold Award on Friday 19th May.  This award shows that we include and support all of our families in the life of the school and nursery. The award also shows that we uphold the principles of Getting It Right for Every Child, otherwise known as GIRFEC.
The accreditation process involves working together with staff, pupils and parents to create a Charter for the school and nursery. We met with our ‘Everyone Matters’ parent group this week to discuss and create our 10 charter statements and evaluate our school and nursery practice. We will share the final version of both our School and Nursery charters once complete! Keep an eye out on our upcoming Friday Bundles for more updates.

Family First
At Netherlee, we are always here to support our families in need of some help, whether that be a chat at the door, through telephone call or email (see above). Should you need further guidance, please click here to view a useful information resource from Family First, which offers support and advice on a wide range of family matters.

Stay and Play
Our next stay and play sessions will take place on the week beginning 20th March. These sessions are a fantastic opportunity to play together with your child and see our wonderful spaces and experiences. Sign-up sheets will be made available next week (week beginning the 13th March) for you to choose a suitable date/time. We kindly ask that a maximum of two adults accompany each child. If at all possible, younger siblings should not attend the sessions.

Eye Tests
Please be reminded of eye screening tests which are taking place on Thursday 23rd March 2023 for pre-school children. These will take place in the Saplings building. If you do not attend nursery on this day, you will receive a separate hospital letter. We kindly ask that eye screening questionnaires are returned to nursery as soon as possible.

Playground Crossing: Reminder
In order to minimise footfall, we kindly ask that you use the gate nearest the Acorns and Saplings when dropping off our collecting your child and refrain from crossing the school playgrounds. Thank-you.

Diversity Evening- A date for your Diary
On Wednesday 29 March 2023, a culture evening will be held in our school atrium to celebrate and share all the different cultures within Netherlee Primary School and Nursery Class.

The PTA and school are inviting all families to share their cultural heritage through a range of ways such as:

  • Having a small display / exhibition on your country and culture (can include food tasting and demonstrations);
  • Showcasing traditional music;
  • Recital in other languages; or
  • Dancing

You may even have other creative ways to share your heritage with the Netherlee community, which you are welcome to do.

Of course, you can simply come along to enjoy the evening. There will be refreshments, entertainment, free workshops and activities to enjoy on the evening too!

If you or your family would like to host a display or showcase something, please contact Mrs Kelly Linn at nurserymail@netherlee.e-renfrew.sch.uk or contact the PTA at netherleepta@gmail.com.

I hope you agree this will be a wonderful evening of culture. We look forward to seeing you there.

Learning Links
Please click here to view the Acorns and Saplings learning links. This song of the week this week is ‘The Days of the Week Song’ which can be listened to and enjoyed by clicking on your child’s Google classroom: https://sts.platform.rmunify.com/Account/SignIn/glow.

East Renfrewshire Culture and Leisure Holiday Camps
We’re running All Star Sports Camp, All Star Activity Camp, Play In A Week, World of Art Camp & intensive swimming lessons during the spring holidays.

Our All Star Sports Camp & All Star Activity Camp are led by our Active Schools & Sports Development Team and delivered by our fantastic team of coaches and tutors! Our Play In A Week & World of Art Camps are delivered by our expert arts and drama tutors! Finally, our intensive swimming lessons are ran by our highly skilled swimming instructors!

Our Spring, Summer & October Holiday Camps are on sale now, for more information and ways to book, please visit: https://www.ercultureandleisure.org/sports-arts/holidaycamps/

Have a lovely weekend.

Yvonne Donaldson (HT) and Jennifer McCann (PT)
Netherlee Primary School & Nursery Class

NNC Parent News 03.03.2023

Hello everyone,

It has been a sunny and bright week this week. The children have had lots of fun playing outdoors with their friends. Spring is really in the air!

This week we enjoyed a lovely visitor from Linn Park Court Sheltered Housing. Olive, who is 93 years young, came to our nursery to read with our children as part of World Book Day. She also enjoyed a tour of our nursery buildings and having some cake, a cuppa and a chat with our staff. We look forward to future visits with the residents later in the year. Please have a look on our school and nursery twitter @sand_c to see how they got on.

School and Nursery Photographs
As you are aware the school photographer has been in school and nursery and we would like you to note that due to the Industrial Action this week she will be in school on Tuesday and Wednesday next week to capture photographs, for any individual and siblings not yet taken. Due to the logistics, we cannot guarantee that the children will not be in their PE uniform for these pictures. Therefore, one sibling may be in their shirt and tie and another sibling in their navy polo shirt and PE uniform. As always, purchasing these photographs is entirely optional.

Please could we ask that the PE uniform policy is fully adhered to at all times and also for these photographs eg navy branded polo shirt, plain navy bottom items and that these items do not have visible branded logos, stripes, ticks or naming (eg Nike). Thank you for your continued support with this.

Nursery children can wear their normal nursery clothes.

Learning Links
Please click here to view the Acorns and Saplings learning links. The learning links give an insight of children’s interests, learning focus and any seasonal or cultural events being celebrated.  This week’s song of the week is The ‘Alphabet Song’ which can be listened to and enjoyed by logging in to your child’s google classroom: https://sts.platform.rmunify.com/Account/SignIn/glow.

Menu Change: 9th March
Please find attached our planned menu change for next Thursday 9th March. The allergy information is included to enable your child to select a suitable option.  However, if you require further allergy or dietary information, please contact our catering team via the school office.

Have a lovely weekend.

Yvonne Donaldson (HT) and Jennifer McCann (PT)
Netherlee Primary School & Nursery Class

Parent News 03.03.2023

Hello everyone, just a very short bundle this week.

World Book Day at Netherlee
We have thoroughly enjoyed celebrating World Book Day at Netherlee school and nursery this week. Each of our classes received their surprise mystery item and created wonderful written and spoken stories across the week.  It has been a joy to read some of their imaginative stories. Our children have enjoyed reading for pleasure with their favourite books and some of our classes organised a cosy read with some hot chocolate! Many of our classes have engaged with fun, book related activities to promote reading for pleasure which have included taking part in virtual author and illustrator live videos, creating artwork inspired by favourite book characters and carrying out surveys to find out our most popular authors at Netherlee. We are excited to use some of this information to update our school reading resources to ensure our texts are diverse, relevant and enjoyable for our children.  Lastly, all our children have been given a £1 Book Voucher which can be used in participating stores and is valid until Sunday 26th March 2023.  Have a look on our school and nursery twitter @sand_c  to see more fun from across the week. Thank you for your continued support.

School and Nursery Photographs
As you are aware the school photographer has been in school and nursery and we would like you to note that due to the Industrial Action this week she will be in school on Tuesday and Wednesday next week to capture photographs, for any individual and siblings not yet taken. Due to the logistics, we cannot guarantee that the children will not be in their PE uniform for these pictures. Therefore, one sibling may be in their shirt and tie and another sibling in their navy polo shirt and PE uniform. As always, purchasing these photographs is entirely optional.

Please could we ask that the PE uniform policy is fully adhered to at all times and also for these photographs eg navy branded polo shirt, plain navy bottom items and that these items do not have visible branded logos, stripes, ticks or naming (eg Nike). Thank you for your continued support with this.

Nursery children can wear their normal nursery clothes.

Change of Menu: 9th March
Please find attached our planned menu change for next Thursday 9th March. The allergy information is included to enable your child to select a suitable option.  However, if you require further allergy or dietary information, please contact our catering team via the school office.

Primary 6C: PE Day Change
6C will now have PE on a Tuesday and Thursday. Could the children please come wearing their full PE kit on these days instead.

Have a lovely weekend.

Yvonne Donaldson
Head Teacher
Netherlee Primary School & Nursery Class