All posts by Miss McDonald


We have been learning how to create an ellipse.

‘We are learning how to make it 3D’ – Lewis Mc

‘So, when making the circle you have to see the back and front’ -Millie

‘Both sides of the vase have to be the same so it’s symmetrical’ – Priya

‘I think it’s really good, it’s realistic. This isn’t how I’d normally draw it’ -Erin

Scottish Literature Week

We had a fantastic time celebrating Scottish Literature Week in our classroom. P2 received a fabulous Scottish parcel with The Gruffulo in Scots, The Gruffalo’s Wean, lyrics to Heid, Shooders, Knaps and Taes, Scottish Animal Trump cards and much more.

Children engaged with our literacy table activity, matching English and Scots words from the Gruffalo in Scots.

We also designed how we imagined the Gruffalo’s hoose might look and labelled it using a Scots workbank. We then used our design to create a poem called ‘The Gruffalo’s Hoose’ using our Scots words.


Over the past few weeks lots of our children have been learning about measuring weight.

We have been learning how to use and read digital and analogue scales using grams and kilograms.

We have discussed the language of heavy, heavier, heaviest, light, lighter, lightest and equal.

We have worked together to match weights to objects and order them, lightest to heaviest.

We then developed our estimating skills, recording our guesses and the actual weight using the abbreviations g and kg.

Through practice, our estimating became increasingly more accurate.




We are in the second week of our new science topic, Energy.

Last week the children talked about what they already knew about energy, what they would like to know and any questions they may have. This week we began exploring the question of ‘what is energy?’ We looked at different kinds of energy, focusing on potential energy and kinetic energy. We made paper helicopters to explore how these energy types work.

‘When you hold it it’s potential energy and when it spins it’s kinetic energy’ – Rajath

We attached paperclips to the bottom of our helicopters to make them heavier and evaluated how this changed it’s kinetic energy. We also explored the idea of fair testing by holding our helicopters at the same height.

‘The one with the more paperclips spins faster’ – Theo

P1-3 Achievement Assembly

Thank you to everyone who was able to join us in celebrating some fantastic achievements this term. The children have been working very hard this term and have made fantastic progress across different areas of learning. We will continue to celebrate achievements throughout the school with house points, hot chocolate Fridays and certificates of appreciation.

Well Done P2! Keep up the good work!

It’s Time

Some of us have begun looking at time this week. We are developing an understanding of how many minutes there are in an hour and half an hour. We are using this knowledge to read analogue clocks and represent a time on an analogue clock.


Wassily Kandinsky

This week P2 have been looking at artwork created by Wassily Kandinsky. We learnt some interesting facts about this Russian artist and discussed how the colours and shapes he painted made us feel. The children created their own art piece inspired by Kandinsky’s ‘Concentric Circles’.