Category Archives: Uncategorized

Our fabulous first week back

What a fabulous first week back!  We have been so busy in our new classroom and outdoor space – IT’S AMAZING!  We have been building houses and car race tracks, painting beautiful pictures, playing in the water tray, investigating loose parts outside, cooked a 3 course meal in our Fairtrade Cafe/house… the list goes on.  The boys and girls said they love our new classroom and outdoor space and I absolutely agree, it’s just brilliant!

The Grinch Comes to Busby

Oh my gosh, it has been an exciting day at Busby Primary!  The Grinch came to visit our school and made a complete and utter mess of the whole school!  The children were super excited that the Grinch came to visit and could not believe their eyes this morning.  Poor Sparkle the Elf even got stuck on the board…


P1 have been learning about electricity this week. We learned that it is a continuous flow of energy and we used a special ball to demonstrate what happens when the flow is broken.  We also looked at games that require batteries to make them work!

Subtraction Smash

We have been learning how to subtract.  We used the playdough to play Subtraction Smash.  The boys and girls were given a calculation e.g. 9-7 and they would have to create 9 objects (balls, sausages, pencils etc.) and then smash 7 of them to see how many were left!  We had a lot of fun.