
P1 have been learning about electricity this week. We learned that it is a continuous flow of energy and we used a special ball to demonstrate what happens when the flow is broken.  We also looked at games that require batteries to make them work!

Subtraction Smash

We have been learning how to subtract.  We used the playdough to play Subtraction Smash.  The boys and girls were given a calculation e.g. 9-7 and they would have to create 9 objects (balls, sausages, pencils etc.) and then smash 7 of them to see how many were left!  We had a lot of fun.

Health and Wellbeing Week

We had lots of fun this week for Health and Wellbeing Week!  P1 participated in a number of lovely activities and it was just so lovely to hear how much they love their family and friends.

We took part in mindfulness drawing using the Kids Art Hub on YouTube…

Some of the boys and girls created their own books…

We talked about our feelings and we played a game using our paper plates to show if we would be happy or sad…