Tag Archives: Science

STEM week

Sean and Rachel from Atkins told us a little about being engineers. They challenged us to make a boat that floats using just straws, tape and tin foil!
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Amy and Bella P1.3 Melody P1.3

Ailsa and Annabelle P1.3

Charlie and Thomas P1.3

Callen and Rebecca P1.3

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Jamie Robertson P1.3 and Bradley P1.2

Mr Masters!

Isla and Paige P1.2 Lewis and Leo P1.2

Murray P1.3 tried using different materials…

Oliver P1.3 and Aaron P1.2
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Thomas P1.3 testing his design

We learned that hot air rises. John from Think Science taught us about static electricity John blew hot air into the bag with a hairdryer and we watched what happened next…
He made a hot air balloon John even lay on a bed of nails

Fair Trade and Five Senses

Aaron using his sense of taste to identify different foodstuffs….sour jellies and sweet Fair Trade banana

Callum was up for the challenge to his taste buds…..sweet chocolate and sour lemon juice…

Callen tried sweet, sour and ice cold! Paige used her sense of smell, taste and touch to identify apple, salt and vinegar crisps.
Jacob and Thomas making Fair Trade smoothies. Hamish deciding on ingredients and measuring amounts.
P1 used  a variety of berries, avocado, banana and fruit juices or milk/yoghurt to make super smoothies. Cheers!
P1 investigated a box of smells…from roses to coffee and lavender to cinnamon…we had to guess what the smell was!  



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Innes” It looks a bit like an elephant”.

Charlie” You need bones to move”.

Callum “If you don’t have bones you would be all wobbly”.

Thomas” You need bones to hold us together”.

Alex”is that the pelvis?”

Indi”You need bones to bend”.


Ailsa “That is where the blood goes. The yellow bit is the spinal chord”. Aaron” drinking water keeps our bones healthy”.

Paige miming playing tennis. Sports are good for keeping our bones healthy.

Amy mimes jumping, Alex mimes dancing and Lewis mimes marching. All these activities keep our bones healthy. Megan’s mummy is an osteopath and taught us about bones and how to keep healthy.
Melody “nuts and seeds are good for bones”.

Isla “Cheese is good”.

Zoe ” Sardines are the fish that are really good”.

Rachel and Bradley ” Milk is good for bones”.

Broccoli is good for bones!


Lots of play, learning and fun!

Rebecca deciding which game to choose… Thomas practising ‘u’ with the correct grip
Aiden using his ICT skills to play  a numeracy game Tilly and Annabelle making ‘m’ marshmallow art
Mrs Boyd explained First Aid procedures and showed us the ice packs, plasters and  her special First Aid bag

Mr Stern is deaf. He taught us some sign language.

Bottom Left Text Here Mr Stern came to visit us to tell us about his job and what we can do to help keep the school tidy
Ailsa explaining how an inhaler works and what it is for Out and about collecting specimens of living things
Jamie is a volunteer for Scott the teacher Logan and Murray have a fair wrestle

Charlie listening to instructions and preparing to take on his opponent

Ailsa and Tilly get ready to rumble!
Bottom Left Text Here Leo roaring like the dinosaurs in the sand pit