In our school we are mixing in different classes to do Fair trade IDL. We are making a design on a T-Shirt template in groups. The winning group gets their design on a real T-Shirt made from Fair Trade cotton. The winner gets decided by people in the class by vote.
This is the winning groups design.
Here they are putting it into their fair-trade cotton T-Shirt.
Last week was world book day but due to the unsuspected snow we re-arranged it to today. World book day is all about books and if you want you can dress up as your favourite character from a book.
Innes- “I dressed up as Burglar Bill.”
Ailsa-” I dressed up as Veruca Salt from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.”
Today day we had a career visit from a TV producer. You need a director a camera man and lots of other jobs to make a movie. she also made a movie with us.
Innes- ” I liked making the movie.”
Kobe- ” I loved holding the picture up. ”
Bradley- ” I liked when she made the movie with us. ”