We had to design and create a shopping trolley.
We had to design and create a shopping trolley.
I am developing an awareness of the ways in which followers of world religions celebrate different times of year and can relate these to my own life and community. RME 1-06b
We have been learning about the Christian festival of Harvest and also the Jewish festival of Sukkot. We made our own Sukkahs.
Jewish people like to thank God for looking after them.
Sukkot is celebrated in the Autumn, it is similar to the Christian festival of Harvest.
It is a time to remember the time the Jewish people spent in the wilderness, being lead by Moses, when they escaped from Egypt.
To remember and celebrate Sukkot, Jews build a sukkah.
A sukkah is a special hut with a wooden frame. The roof is made from branches and leaves because the stars can still be seen through them.
It is nicely decorated with candles and fruit. People like to hang fruits from the roof and hang pictures and decorations on the walls.
During the Sukkot celebrations Jews like to spend as much time as they can in their sukkah. They will eat, sing, tell stories and even sleep in their Sukkah.
By exploring the forces exerted by magnets on other magnets and magnetic materials, I can contribute to the design of a game.
SCN 1-08a
LI: To explore magnets and use them in a game.
We explored the forces of magnets by using different strengths and sizes of magnets in a variety of experiments.
We then designed a game that used magnets in pairs.