Category Archives: Eco

Potato Planting with Mr Strang

Primary 2.2 were delighted to have a visit from a local farmer Mr Strang who helped us to plant potatoes in our outdoor area. He showed us what the potatoes looked like before they were planted and explained all the things that they would need to help them grow. Then we got the chance to go outside and work collaboratively to plant the potatoes. We listened carefully for the instructions on how to look after them and now we are going to water them daily to help them grow. We look forward to seeing the results!

‘We had to put lots of compost in the tub. We took turns to put the compost in.’  Melody

‘We put holes in the compost to put the potatoes in. We had to hold them by the potato and not the stem to plant them because the stem could fall off.’  Aaron L

‘The stem tries to go up to the top and they grow a little flower on top.’  Indi

‘Potatoes need sunlight to grow.’  William

‘If you put in too much water then it will go out the holes in the bottom of the tub.’  Leo

‘It needs one watering can once a day and it needs food.’  Carrie

We are innovative inventors

Primary 2.2 worked extremely hard on their innovative inventors projects and were able to come up with some fabulous inventions to help the environment. We thoroughly enjoyed hearing all the different ideas and giving two stars and a wish to each of our peers. Thank you to all who helped to create our amazing designs!

‘Looking after the environment is a really special thing that we all have to do.’ – Samuel

‘Some of us used fairtrade products in our designs. It’s always good if you see fairtrade because then you know the farmers are getting a fair price.’ – Callum

‘We thought about ideas to help animals and to recycle materials. My litter beach buggy has grabbers to pick up litter so the animals don’t chew or choke on our litter’ – Melody

Outdoor Learning At The Orry

Callen- ” We were finding some sticks to make our names with.”

Innes- “I was finding some leaves with Will.”

Ailsa-“I was making my name out of twigs.”

Aidan-“I was making my name out of small and big sticks.


Alex-“I was making a picture out of sticks.”

Melody-“I was getting some twigs to make my name with.”

Tilly-“I was making my name out of sticks.”


Murray-“We were making our name out of wood and twigs.”

Bella-“I was making my name.”

Annabelle-“I was collecting twigs and then making my name out of them.”