Category Archives: Collaborative Working

Christmas Talent Show

We enjoyed taking part and watching the class talent show. There is such a variety of talent in the class. We started with a magic show, had various dance groups, some singing and some fabulous artists.

Making Magnetic Games

By exploring the forces exerted by magnets on other magnets and magnetic materials, I can contribute to the design of a game.
SCN 1-08a

LI: To explore magnets and use them in a game.

We explored the forces of  magnets by using different strengths and sizes of magnets in a variety of experiments.

We then designed a game that used magnets in pairs.



Flat Stanley Measuring

We have been learning to measure using metres and centimetres. We drew around each other with chalk to create our own flat person, then measured the height of our outline. Our flat people were very colourful.

I can estimate how long or heavy an object is, or what amount it holds, using everyday things as a guide, then measure or weigh it using appropriate instruments and units. MNU 1-11a

LI: To measure in metres and centimetres.


Height Comparison

We measured the height of everyone in the class then compared our heights with Flat Stanley. Most of us were taller than Flat Stanley. Flat Stanley is 122cm tall. We drew around Isla C as she is the same height as Flat Stanley. We turned Isla’s outline into Flat Stanley. We made a painting of Archie who is the same height as Flat Stanley, one of Aaron L, who is shorter than Flat Stanley and one of Carrie, who is taller than Flat Stanley.