All posts by Mrs Toman

First Week Fun!

We are learning lots of new skills while we are having fun in our classrooms, outdoor learning areas and enjoying tasty lunches. We stay at school all day!

On our first day we listened to a story and learned a song all about S.
We practised writing our names, letters and numbers.

“I was playing with Rachel.”  Ailsa P1.3 Making patterns with friends
Alex Dowds P1.3 ” I was learning how to make stuff out of playdough.” Murray Neil P1.3 ” I was making letters and numbers.
Jayden proudly showing his model made from loose parts

Enjoying lunch  with friends

Fruit and milk are on the menu Pattern making with paints
That’s a wrap!

Indi likes her pattern with shells

Jacob using shells and pebbles to create an impressive piece of art

Having fun with the dinosaurs! Bradley has written a beautiful n. Well done!
Logan  creating patterns Alex and Oliver practising cutting and sticking skills
Ananbelle writing numbers in the outdoor classroom A balancing act…
Creating our own number games Melody and Remi are walking tall!
Adam using the number tiles to make a path Innes is refining his gross motor skills
Charlie drawing an arrow spinner for his game Alice using chalk to write magical numbers

Lucas happy playing outside

Creating our own playing and learning environment
Annabelle balancing on the snakes and ladders square Callum in goals, Innes on rope