
Primary 2 have been learning all about Space. We learned some facts about each of the planets and tried to come up with different ways to remember the order of the planets. After that we learned that the Earth rotates and revolves around the Sun and this is why we have day and night. We took a visit to the Glasgow Science Centre and thoroughly enjoyed exploring the Planetarium. During ICT we have been creating our own space PowerPoints and lots of us have been sharing our learning at home! In Art we learned all about Peter Thorpe’s abstract space art and we decided to create some of our own. In Literacy we researched Neil Armstrong and wrote a newspaper article about the moon landing.

We were creating space pictures. We looked at pictures of Peter Thorpe’s artwork and then we used pastels to create our own. Ben

We were learning about abstract art. We used bold colours like black and red together. We thought about hot and cold colours. This helped us to add more detail.

We got a space book to look for planet words. We put the words on cards and used them to spell the planet words. Archie

The Earth rotates and revolves around the Sun. It takes 365 days for the Earth to revolve around the Sun. Megan

It takes 24 hours for the Earth to rotate. If we are facing the Sun then we get light and it is day. If we are facing away from the Sun then it is night. Melody

We went outside and we had to find a partner and one of us had to be the Earth and the other person was the Sun. We had to rotate and revolve around the Sun. If Miss Watson shouted daytime we had to face our partner (the Sun) and if she shouted nighttime then we had to face the other way. Callen


Numeracy: Addition and Subtraction

In numeracy we have been revising and addition and subtraction. We have also been working really hard to use our mental math strategies to answer a range of questions. During play, we have been using lots of different materials to help us to subtract accurately.

‘We didn’t use number lines we worked on trying to figure it out in our heads. I put the big number in my head and counted down with my fingers.’ Samuel

‘We were working on number families. We could only use three numbers. If I was using six and four that would equal ten. You can make four calculations with a number family.’ Melody

‘We did calculations by building a lego tower and taking some away and then we wrote the answer. We used dabbers to make dots and then we crossed out the ones that we were taking away.’ Bella


For STEM week Primary 2.2 were set a challenge of designing and building a tower that birds could sit their nests on. We started off by thinking of lots of different designs and looking at some photographs of strong structures. Then we discussed which designs we thought would work the best and why. After that we worked in teams to have a go at building some of the models. 

‘The top of our tower was perfect for a nest because it was a long rectangle. Our group used Megan’s idea which looked like a house. We tried to build the roof but it was too tricky because it kept collapsing. Next time I would add things on the side to help make it more secure.’ Hamish


‘Ours went quite well but some parts were hard. Everyone had good moments and bad moments. Our good moment was at the start when we built the base of the tower. Our bad moment was at the end when the top started falling but we managed to fix it.’ Leo

‘My group chose Callen’s idea but it didn’t really turn out anything like it. We added extra bits and we added on a base instead. Then we added on some flags.  I liked it because it was very sturdy.’  Annabelle

‘We were trying to make the Eiffel tower. We couldn’t make the cuboid at the top because the straws weren’t the same length so we couldn’t adjust it and the top was too heavy for the rest of the structure. The base was the right size so it worked well.’ Isla 

‘Our groups was a bit small so I think the giraffes would have been able to reach it. Next time I would make a cuboid shape to help make it a bit stronger and taller.’ Melody


Afterwards we discussed what other materials we could have used to build our towers. The next day we decided to try again using a new idea, marshmallows and spaghetti. This took cooperation and lots of patience. These models were a little bit messier but far tastier!

‘We started with big marshmallows but they kept falling down because they were too heavy. Then we got some wee marshmallows which were lighter. We put the big ones at the bottom to make it steady and we used the small ones at the top.’ Kobe


Reading for enjoyment in Primary 2

Primary 2 were very excited to have a visit from local author and illustrator Graeme Watson. We looked at two of his stories before having a go at drawing some of the characters. The wicked witch Fredina Freakly was quite tricky to draw but we had some fabulous results!

‘It was so funny listening to his stories.’ Megan

‘We read a book about a witch and a cat. The cat drank some of the potion and kept changing into different animals. We had a go at making our own funny animal.’ Melody

‘Every time the cat burped it turned into a different thing.’ Isla

‘We drew a witch and a cat. My witch had a very long lip.’ Indi