This week we have been looking at volume and capacity. We have been using lots of different vocabulary while exploring volume in our water and rice areas. We managed to match the bottles to the correct measurement. We have also been trying to work out how much water everyday items can hold.

‘You don’t fill it to the very top you always fill it to the very top line or number because then it won’t spill.’ Rory

‘It is half a letre because we poured it into the jug and it went to the top (500ml jug)’ Remi

‘I just experimented, 4 half litres make 2 litres in the jug’ Callen

Primary 2.2 have been learning about measuring length through lots of practical activities. We have been measuring objects around our classroom using both non-standard and standard units. We had a search for things that are bigger or smaller than a metre. We have also constructed some fabulous designs and measured them to check that they were either longer or taller than one metre.
‘If you are estimating that means you are guessing. It has to be a good guess’ Zoe.

‘I made a tower that is taller than 30 centimetres’ Bradley

‘Mine is bigger than a metre, it is bigger than the stick’ Aaron

‘I know the wall is bigger than a metre because you can see the size difference, the stick is smaller than the wall and you can see this when it is touching it’ Indi
‘I made a tower with Isla and we made it nearly a metre. We checked with a metre stick’ Ailsa
Primary 2.2 have been learning about data handling. First, we looked at how we can use the information from a tally chart to make a bar graph. We discussed what information we could find out by reading the bar graph. Then we decided that we could make our own bar graph. We used our knowledge of measurement to work out how far each of us could throw a beanbag. After recording the results in our tally chart we labelled and coloured in our own bar graphs.

‘You have to have lines, the number of people, the names of what you have to ask at the bottom and a title’. Callen

‘You know the big one is the one the most people have went for because it is the biggest one’ Carrie

‘It’s like little bars and you can see what one has the most.’ Aaron L
‘You have to have boxes when you are making a bar graph. These show the amount of people.’ Annabelle
We had an amazing time on our school trip to Blair Drummond Safari Park. We loved getting to see some of the animals that we have been learning about. Our highlights included watching Lola the Sea Lion perform some fantastic tricks and giggling at the very cheeky monkeys who climbed onto our bus! A massive thank you to our parent helpers who helped to make our trip so special!

‘I loved the sea lion show because I liked Lola and she did really good tricks.’ – Ailsa
‘I really liked the sea lion show as well. She did amazing tricks. I liked my mummy being a helper because she made different animal teams.’ – Isla

‘I loved the slide. It was so fast.’ – Oliver

‘I liked seeing the Elephant and watching him eat the food with his trunk’ – Kobe

‘I liked when the Lions were snoozing’ – Callum

Primary 2.2 celebrated Halloween by making some creepy bats and monsters! We also wrote our own scary stories using some fabulous spooky wow words. We also had a super time dancing the night away at our Halloween disco.

“I coloured in the paper plate all in black then I cut out eyes and I cut out legs and folded them up then I stuck them on.” Bradley
“I brought my bat mask home to use it as a Halloween decoration. I liked the eyes because they were kind of big so they were staring.” Hamish
“I used some spooky words in my story then I added pictures of a witch, a bat and some pumpkins.” Isla
“I loved the spooky signs and decorations at the Halloween disco. Some of the costumes were really scary. We done some fun dancing and got some juice and crisps and it was so fun!” Zoe
We had great fun learning all about time. We looked at making different times on the clock such as o’clock, half past and quarter past. Some of us even made our own clocks out of playdough or plastic hoops! We have also been learning how to display the time on both analogue and digital clocks. We are learning to use our classroom clock throughout the day to manage our time.

“When its quarter past the big hand always has to be at three.” Hamish
“I liked learning about quarter past and half past.” Rebecca
“I learned that there are two types of clocks, digital and analogue.” William
“When the little hand is at the six and the big hand is at the twelve we know it is six o’clock.” Aaron
Hello and welcome to the Primary 2.2 blog!
We have been very busy so far in Primary 2 and we are so excited to share some of the things that we have been doing. Let’s take a look at what we have been learning so far…
A while back we were learning all about how to make different amounts of money. We worked hard to think of lots of different ways to make the same amount of money. Then we started to look at calculating change. We imagined that we were in a shop, pricing different items and calculating the amount of change that we would need to give.

“I learned about making up money like if we have a 5p and a 5p then we have 10p. I got some money and I counted how much I had and then Callen gave me the change.” Melody
“Sometimes you don’t have the correct money so you have to make it. You would have to make 4p out of pennies.” Oliver
” I learned that change is when you get money back when you buy something at a shop.” Logan
“I was adding and subtracting using money.” Murray
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