Outdoor Learning At The Orry

Callen- ” We were finding some sticks to make our names with.”

Innes- “I was finding some leaves with Will.”

Ailsa-“I was making my name out of twigs.”

Aidan-“I was making my name out of small and big sticks.


Alex-“I was making a picture out of sticks.”

Melody-“I was getting some twigs to make my name with.”

Tilly-“I was making my name out of sticks.”


Murray-“We were making our name out of wood and twigs.”

Bella-“I was making my name.”

Annabelle-“I was collecting twigs and then making my name out of them.”

Great work, Primary 1!

I have really enjoyed reading about all the different things that you have been doing in Primary 1.    The boats that you designed and made during STEM week are fantastic and you look like you enjoyed working together.  I can see that you looked very closely at real daffodils so that you could add lots of detail to your beautiful daffodil paintings.  I am pleased to see some super teamwork and problem solving skills when making mud pies in the mud kitchen and making tents outside.  Well done for working so hard!  Keep up the great work!

STEM week

Sean and Rachel from Atkins told us a little about being engineers. They challenged us to make a boat that floats using just straws, tape and tin foil!
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Amy and Bella P1.3 Melody P1.3

Ailsa and Annabelle P1.3

Charlie and Thomas P1.3

Callen and Rebecca P1.3

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Jamie Robertson P1.3 and Bradley P1.2

Mr Masters!

Isla and Paige P1.2 Lewis and Leo P1.2

Murray P1.3 tried using different materials…

Oliver P1.3 and Aaron P1.2
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Thomas P1.3 testing his design

We learned that hot air rises. John from Think Science taught us about static electricity John blew hot air into the bag with a hairdryer and we watched what happened next…
He made a hot air balloon John even lay on a bed of nails