Today day we had a career visit from a TV producer. You need a director a camera man and lots of other jobs to make a movie. she also made a movie with us.
Innes- ” I liked making the movie.”
Kobe- ” I loved holding the picture up. ”
Bradley- ” I liked when she made the movie with us. ”
Primary 1 are having lots of visitors to explain the variety of jobs they do and why they enjoy their career.
We learned about different sports from a PE teacher ;hockey, rugby, badminton, basketball, netball. |
We practised a side pass for rugby. |
Annabelle modelled how to pass the baton without dropping it. |
We didn’t drop the baton or the rugby ball! |
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Jacob and Thomas making Fair Trade smoothies. |
Hamish deciding on ingredients and measuring amounts. |
P1 used a variety of berries, avocado, banana and fruit juices or milk/yoghurt to make super smoothies. |
Cheers! |
P1 investigated a box of smells…from roses to coffee and lavender to cinnamon…we had to guess what the smell was! |
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Kobe- “my favourite part about P1 is painting.”
Paige- “my favourite part about P1 is painting.”

Innes-“my favourite part of P1 is painting.”
Amy-“My favourite part of P1 is playing with my friends.”

Tilly- “My favourite part about P1 is the teachers.”

Callum- “my favourite part of P1 is free choice.”

Charlie- ” my favorite part is the outside play area ”

In primary 1 we are learning through playing. everyday we learn new things. Majority of our learning comes from playing games and having fun.
Zoe-” I liked handling the cubes”
Amy- ” I liked learning about different colours”

Logan ” My dinosaur was made of plasticene”. |
Bradley”He is a TRex” and he is a meat eater” |
Aidan” It is a omnivore” |
Innes”My dinosaur is a T Rex what can bite other dinosaurs skin”. Callen” My dinosaur is a diplodocus and has a really long neck” |
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Alex” My dinosaur is an omnivore and the grown up ones are as big as the school”.
Lewis”My ine got big legs”
Murray ” My dinosaur was a meat eater”
Annabelle” My dinosaur is a herbivore” |
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Just another – East Renfrewshire site