
Innes” It looks a bit like an elephant”.

Charlie” You need bones to move”.

Callum “If you don’t have bones you would be all wobbly”.

Thomas” You need bones to hold us together”.

Alex”is that the pelvis?”

Indi”You need bones to bend”.


Ailsa “That is where the blood goes. The yellow bit is the spinal chord”. Aaron” drinking water keeps our bones healthy”.

Paige miming playing tennis. Sports are good for keeping our bones healthy.

Amy mimes jumping, Alex mimes dancing and Lewis mimes marching. All these activities keep our bones healthy. Megan’s mummy is an osteopath and taught us about bones and how to keep healthy.
Melody “nuts and seeds are good for bones”.

Isla “Cheese is good”.

Zoe ” Sardines are the fish that are really good”.

Rachel and Bradley ” Milk is good for bones”.

Broccoli is good for bones!


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