Orry Adventures and Outdoor Learning.

Most children have been to the Orry and are having great fun outdoors.

The children look after their partners . Ask your children about our Orry rules.


The children are learning all about road safety on their walks to the Orry.

” The line leaders always go first and you need to look after your partner.” Murray (Yellow P.M)

“You don’t run.” Logan (Yellow A.M)


The children are learning what to do if they see a dog at the Orry.

“We singing who let the dogs out really loud and we don’t look. You do this.” (Rebecca turns back and puts her arms across her chest.) Rebecca (Blue P.M)


We see lots of different things on the way.

“The leaves have all fallen off the trees that’s because its Autumn.” Zoe (Yellow A.M)



We tell stories with sticks at the Orry.


We make things with sticks below the children were making a castle.

“Look this one can be the door.” Ailsa (Blue A.M)


We measure with sticks.

“Look this stick is bigger than me.” William(Red P.M)


We make picture with sticks and leaves.


We find lots of bugs at the Orry .


The children love running down the big hill and playing our statue game.


The children have been enjoying energetic play outdoors.

They have been practising catching the ball.


Kicking the ball against the wall. Seeing how many goals they can score.


The children love our hockey sticks.

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Anyone for skittles?

“Its hard to knock them all down. I got five.” Luke (Blue P.M)


Who’s for a game of tig.

“I was tig I need to catch them.” Hamzah  (Blue P.M)

“You need to run really fast.” Amy (Blue P.M)


Children have daily opportunities to go outdoors. As the weather is changing please could we remind  all parents to dress children appropriately for daily outdoor play. Wellies, thick socks, cosy hat, gloves, and  a warm jumper.  Thank You Nursery Staff.

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