The children celebrated Diwali by watching and listening to a story and a short video clip on the white board.
The children also enjoyed making Diwali cards.
The children were asked to bring something in for the Harvest table.
The whole school had an assembly to find out more about Harvest.
Why have we brought food in for harvest?
“Some people don’t have food to eat” Alex (Yellow A.M Group)
“Because its for the old people in the village” Murray (Yellow P.M Group)
“To help people” Ailsa (Blue A.M Group)
The children brought lots of food in. The school made up Harvest bags and the Nursery took some of the bags across to the elderly people that lived in Montgomerie Court.
The ladies and gentlemen were very pleased to see us. And were all very grateful for their bags.
Some people were not in Bella had a very good idea “We can leave it for a surprise”
The rest of the food was given to the food bank.
Thank you to all the parents, grandparents, family and friends who joined us for our first open hour of the year.
“That’s my mummy we were making a very very long train bigger than the nursery. I liked having mummy in” William (Red P.M)
“My mummy. Making a picture a mummy picture. I liked her here” Rory (Yellow P.M)
” Its mummy and daddy we were playing lego, making a Pokémon guy.” Oliver (Yellow P.M)
” I am playing with the train track. My mummy has my baby she was helping me and Rory with the train track.” Corrin (Red P.M)
The staff at Eaglesham Nursery Class would like to thank everyone that attended our open hour. We hope you all had fun!