Golden Rules.

As the children play and learn, they are developing the understanding of what’s fair and unfair and the importance of caring for, sharing and cooperating with others.

In Nursery we have been learning about rules. The children made a mind map of all the rules then we had a vote to pick our favourite five rules Golden Rules.


Our Rights Respecting Golden Rules .




I can stay safe.

I have good listening ears.

I can look after all the toys.


We play together and grow together.

I can be a king friend.


“I share my toys with Hamish.” Mitilda (Yellow A.M)


“I share the football with my daddy.” Lorcan (Yellow A.M)


“I help my mum and dad to cook. I share my pizza with them.” Murray (Yellow P.M)


“I share with Millie. I share my toys with my whole family so they don’t get sad.” Tilly (Yellow A.M)


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