Rights Respecting School pupil group – 20/01/23

Today in our RRS pupil group, Mrs Wallace started off by doing the register. After that, we started to create our stories based on a right of your choice -these stories will be made for the younger RRS pupil group-.

Different rights pupils chose to use for their stories:

Health, water food and environment (article 24)

Children who are adopted (article 21)

Identity (article 8)

No discrimination (article 2)

Children with disabilities (article 23)

Best interests of the child (article 3)

Setting up or joining groups (article 15)

Rights and respecting schools group

Today, we first did the register with Ms Carrick.

Then we joined Mrs Wallace’s class to do some activities. We worked in groups and had discussions about what was  happening in the pictures.  We talked about the assembly that we are doing in May.

At the end, we voted for the logo to represent our group.