All posts by Mrs Wallace

12.5.23 Minutes- RRS

Today we finished off the “A full day of rights” worksheet that we started last week. Mrs Wallace gave out the sheet of rights so we could identify the rights and find the correct right for different things you would do on a daily basis. After that, we all did a Kahoot quiz on the Chromebooks about the rights we learned.

RRS Minutes 28.4.23

Today we were discussed the rights and recapped the different rights. Mrs Wallace and a few other pupils said a number (1-42) and we tried our best to remember them. We then spilt into groups and had nine rights each to put into an order on a grid of which rights are more important than others.

Next, we started a worksheet of a schedule of a day.  We had to find rights that suited the routine.

Minutes 17/ 02 / 23

 Minutes 17.02.23             Rights respecting schools

Today we are finishing our stories for primary 2, 3 and 4. We discussed how the stories should be interesting and simple for the younger children. We also discussed different ideas and how the rights should be appropriate/suitable for the younger years. We chose different rights for every story. Some people did stories based on discrimination and other people had many other themes. A few people read out some parts of our stories. All the stories had a different plot and they were all very interesting. After that, we discussed how we were going to produce an assembly for the school. We were informed how we were going to have different lines and how we were going to use our time performing in the assembly. After that, everyone continued with their stories. Next time, we will finish and present our stories!

Rights Respecting School pupil group – 20/01/23

Today in our RRS pupil group, Mrs Wallace started off by doing the register. After that, we started to create our stories based on a right of your choice -these stories will be made for the younger RRS pupil group-.

Different rights pupils chose to use for their stories:

Health, water food and environment (article 24)

Children who are adopted (article 21)

Identity (article 8)

No discrimination (article 2)

Children with disabilities (article 23)

Best interests of the child (article 3)

Setting up or joining groups (article 15)

Minutes – 28-10-22

Today everybody focused on 5 other rights, trying to memorize them as well as the previous rights we went over last time. We have all split up into groups of 2 or 3, to make fun games for younger pupils (P2-4) to play. Each game is linked to rights. The whole class was given the sheet of UNICEF rights and a piece of paper to make their games.

Some of the pupils game ideas:

  • snakes and ladders
  • bingo
  • snap
  • board games
  • matching cards
  • treasure hunt
  • ordering the cards by number
  • Matching the picture and right

Next time we will continue and finish our Games.

Minutes – 30.09.22

Today we did the register and had a quick talk about our aims this year. We talked about the different articles such as article 1 , article 2, article 12 , article 24 and 33. We then had a discussion on a logo for our group.

We talked about what our logo should be like, the different things said were such things as bright colours, an outer shape, the name being in the logo and having the logo match the theme. Then everyone started to make their logos. Everyone made their own logo and they will be finished next time.

Minutes- 16.09.22

Today everybody introduced themselves and we all listened to a short song explaining all the rights. As well as that, we looked at the UNICEF Rights of the child. We thought of ideas for the group.

Some of the ideas were:

  • doing a fundraiser
  • presentations
  • board games
  • active games
  • posters to advertise
  • wall display